5 years ago today, I walked out of my plush office in Overland Park. I left my high paying salary, my clients, my successful reputation in the industry behind. I left it all to enter into a partnership that would take me on the ride of my life. I left all of that to become a stay at home mom. You see… 5 years ago, my first baby was born and I left the corporate world for the world of dirty diapers, spit up, and sleepless nights.
In the past 5 years I have never regretted my decision to stay at home with my kids. Getting to see them grow up and being a part of everything has been a job beyond my wildest dreams.
Jacob has been a joy, a challenge, and a bright spot in my life. Since having Jacob, I’ve learned about patience (still working on this one!), empathy, and the joy of wonder.
I’ve witnessed miracles (Jacob suffered 3rd degree burns over his entire face from an accident when he was two), have discovered the power of prayer, and have stopped to appreciate the little things in life that before I would just pass by.
Since having children I have discovered that a hug can cure just about anything. I’ve discovered that sitting down to color a picture really is good therapy. That cooking with my kids is just about as fun as you can get.
I’ve discovered that I really don’t need a full nights sleep to function the next day. I now know that I can clean up puke without puking myself. I’ve witnessed things that before having children would have brought me to my knees.
I’ve discovered that going to Barnes and Noble with 3 kids on a Saturday night and sitting at the cafe to try to drink a Mocha is not a good idea. Kids just don’t appreciate that kind of thing.
I’ve discovered that my husband is a fantastic father. I’ve discovered that our relationship is solid and that our children are an incredible light in our lives.
All in all, this motherhood experience has been a wonderful thing.
Happy 5th Birthday Jacob! We have a big year ahead of us!
Happy Birthday Jacob! I hope the entire family had a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday Jacob!
Kristen that was an awesome post and I hope that some day that I’m half the mom that you are! 😀
Oh, Kristen… how beautifully written and eloquent this is! It brought tears to my eyes. Happy HAPPY birthday to Jacob! And happy HAPPY "birthday" to you too! He is one lucky little guy to have you for his Mother. I really and truly enjoyed reading this. 🙂
Love ya,
KB 🙂
What a wonderful tribute to being a mom. I can’t even tell you how inspiring it is to read an honest & real account of the good, amazing, not-so-great and just really rewarding aspects of having children.
Happy B-Day Jacob!
I, too, am sitting here reading this entry with tears in my eyes. I have been in on this journey of yours from the beginning and I couldn’t be prouder of your ability as a mother..your ability to express yourself…your ability to handle most anything that comes your way. You are an exceptional person! And we love you.
I also got tears in my eyes reading this, Kristen!
This is so beautiful and was a joy to read. Thank you for sharing this!
Oh, me too with the tears. And Jacob looks incredible for having suffered through such a horrific accident. Praise God for that! It’s just yet another thing about you Kristen that I am finding so appealing. What a great post!