Chowder gets a boost with corn, veggies and chicken! This is a family friendly favorite that we make time and time again!
Someone who was expecting their fourth child asked me the other day how going from three kids to four kids has been. I feel sorry for the poor lady because she asked me on one of those days when I was feeling quite overwhelmed, and I was bluntly honest with her!
I love my family and I love my kids more than anything. I am so proud to be their mom, but yes… going from 3 to 4 kids has totally kicked my butt. Leah, the baby, is about as easy of a baby as one can ask for. She is happy 99% of the time, is laid back and totally melts my heart with every smile she gives me. Ella, the 3 year old, is still challenging, but she can go from making me want to pull my hair out to making me want to pick her up and hold her all day in the matter of a few minutes. She is “spirited” as her teacher says, hilarious and full of spunk. Kelly, who just turned 6, is a mini-mom. She is so helpful and honestly sometimes I feel has a better handle on everyone than I do. Jacob, my 7 year old, is growing up to be such a kind and funny young man. We can have real conversations now… meaningful conversations. It is so interesting to see how his brain works! With Nick’s travel schedule, Jacob has really jumped in to help out when Daddy is gone.
I want to say, I would not give up being the mom of 4 kids for anything. I am so in love with my family and could not imagine my life without any of them in it!
The hard part about having 4 kids is not the kids themselves. It is the things I don’t feel like I can do anymore. I do not go to the store with all four of them… I just don’t. So, that has cut into my normal errand running time and half the time our milk is all gone before I can make it to the store for more. I had to realize that it is no longer possible for me to be head room mom, playdate mom, enroll my kids in whatever activity they want to be in mom. It was the hardest for me to admit that I now have to say no to things that I once freely did with them. I gave up some work opportunities, stopped writing some of the articles I was writing, simply because there aren’t enough hours in the day. I used to be on the extreme end of organized with my house and routines, and well… let’s just say, that is sooooo not the case with me these days, unfortunately! I’m not very good at adjusting to change, but I am trying… really, truly trying.
So, life has changed and I am making an attempt to get into a comfortable routine, but it just hasn’t happened yet. I know Dine & Dish has been sporadic lately… (not to mention poor Culinary Snapshot… I promise, it WILL come back!). I appreciate your patience and friendship and your willingness to keep coming back even though I am not giving a whole lot back in return.
Even though I don’t have much to blog about, I had to share this Corn and Veggie Chowder with Chicken recipe with you ASAP. It reminded me of another difficult thing about having the size of family I have. It is hard to find a meal that everyone likes to eat, so when I find it, you can bet I’m holding on to it to repeat time and time again. This Corn and Veggie Chowder with Chicken recipe is one such dish. Inspired by the Corn Chowder over at Simply Recipes, it is meals like this that make life seem easy again!
4 Kids, Life and Dinner (Recipe: Corn and Veggie Chowder with Chicken)
- Corn and Veggie Chowder with Chicken Adapted and Inspired from Simply Recipes
- 2 Tablespoons butter not margarine
- 1 strip of bacon
- 1/2 large yellow onion chopped
- 2 large carrots chopped
- 1/2 celery stalk chopped
- 2 cans of whole kernel sweet corn drained OR if in season, 3 ears of fresh sweet corn, cut off the cob
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 cups milk
- 2 cups low sodium chicken broth
- 2 medium Yukon Gold potatoes
- 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts cooked and cut into bite sized pieces
- Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper
- Shredded cheddar cheese and cooked crumbled bacon bits for garnish
- In a stockpot, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the bacon strip and fry until the bacon renders its fat, but doesn't begin to brown. Add the onion and saute until soft. Add the carrot and celery and cook for 5 minutes until they begin to turn tender.
- 1. In a large saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the bacon strip (skip this step for vegetarian option, just add more butter) and fry until the bacon renders its fat, but doesn't begin to brown, 3 or 4 minutes. Add the onion and sauté for 4 to 5 minutes, until soft. Add the carrot and celery and cook for 4 or 5 more minutes.
- 2. Pour the corn into the stockpot. Add the milk, chicken broth, bay leaves and potatoes. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously for 5 minutes. Reduce heat to simmer, cover the pot and cook for 20 minutes.
- 3. Discard the bay leaves. Add the cooked chicken and increase the heat. Add 1 teaspoon of salt, fresh ground pepper to taste, bring to a simmer and reduce the heat to maintain a simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and serve. Garnish with shredded cheddar cheese and bacon crumbles.
- (For a thicker chowder, melt 3 Tbs butter in the microwave. As soon as you remove the butter, whisk in 2 Tbs all purpose flour until smooth. Pour butter/flour mixture into the pot and stir well. Bring to a boil for 3 minutes or until mixture thickens. Remove from heat and serve.)
The both of us have been busy! I’ve been getting back into my “regular” schedule since I finished the move of my blog, but I have yet to post a new recipe. I need to get on that ASAP.
Anyway, lovely post and that chowder looks absolutely delish! I feel like getting up to go make it, but I think my laziness has gotten the best of me today. I’ll definitely bookmark it to make during the week.
I’m glad you’re back! 🙂
.-= kamran siddiqi ´s last blog ..a giveaway =-.
Life is always about choices, so the things you choose to give up now will be things you choose to keep in your life later on. Your life is filled with richness. And corn chowder, apparently!
.-= Lydia (The Perfect Pantry)´s last blog ..Coming tomorrow: Menu for Hope, and the ultimate pantry lover’s prize =-.
Oh, Kristin! I can so totally relate. I have to say that the 3 to 4 jump was also the most difficult for me, but also worth it. You are a FABULOUS mom and wonderful blogger. The things you still accomplish are amazing. It’s hard to see that from behind the diaper pile, but it’s true.
Your soup looks wonderful – I’d love a bowl right now, in fact.
.-= Anne´s last blog ..Strawberry Bread with More Fruit – Lucky Leaf Premium Pie Fillings =-.
So happy to see a post from you, but I definitely understand that life just gets in the way sometimes and change can be really time consuming to adjust to. The soup looks great! Thinking of you often and hope we have the chance to get together again soon!
.-= Katie @ goodLife {eats}´s last blog ..Chicken Tortilla Soup =-.
Crap, I’m pregnant with number four right now.
Ah, I love them anyway.
.-= Lindsay´s last blog ..Tragic =-.
This soup looks delicious. I have been looking for a great corn chowder recipe. Thanks!
.-= Jessica @ How Sweet´s last blog ..Happy Birthday Will! =-.
Must say I’ve had my 3 babies and I always thought that going to number 4 wouldn’t prove much of a challenge (although I felt going from 2 to 3 was). Obviously a wrong assumption, but one I won’t be testing – 3 is enough for me 🙂
You’re right about holding onto those recipes that everyone eats without complaining – they are pure gold. And I don’t blame them – the chowder looks great.
.-= The Klutzy Cook´s last blog ..Sweet Red Capsicum Relish =-.
I don’t imagine anyone would question your love for your kids. I do imagine it’s freaking exhausting and that it’s hard to give up so much of yourself – constantly.
It sounds like you have a lot on your plate and it’s quite wonderful of you to take the time to put something on ours. I’m amazed that you still found the time to make this delicious looking soup and then write this blog post. It looks great!
.-= El´s last blog ..Warm and Toasty Cinnamon Raisin Bread with Candied Pecans =-.
I always enjoy reading your words of wisdom. Your genuineness comes through loud and clear every time.
And this chowder looks goooooooood. (Almost as good as your Cheeseburger Soup.)
.-= Amy J in SC´s last blog ..A tale of flour, lasagna, hunky cowboys and a giveaway! =-.
I feel pretty crazy sometimes though I have only one boy now. I can totally imagine how overwhelming it is to manage 4. Yet I have no doubt you would do anything for them no matter how challenging it sounds cause you love them more than anything! Moms are just superb!
.-= lululu´s last blog ..Mini Strawberry Cupcake with Strawberry Frosting =-.
I can barely find time to blog, and I have… ZERO children. Your readers are faithful, and we’ll be here and ready to listen whenever you have something to share!
.-= Erin´s last blog ..Chocolate Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies =-.
Kristin, the time you invest in your family is much more important than the time you put into your blogs. In the end, it’s family that counts, eh? We’ll save your place.
.-= Kate at Serendipity´s last blog ..Chocolate Week Continued: The Chocolate Shop =-.
Love the reality post;). I love your candor and am the same when it comes to adjusting to change… or maybe adjusting to lack of control… Change I can do as long as I can remain uber organized;).
I am adjusting to having two teen boys!!!!
.-= janelle´s last blog ..what you should know about Chianti wines and vines… =-.
LOL, I just checked out your pic. Kristin: you had time to add a garnish;)????
.-= janelle´s last blog ..Coca-cola Christmas ornaments =-.
I always wonder how people with larger families can cope at all. We have no kids and yet, we sometimes struggle to keep up with the demands of work, family and well, time for eachother too! So I applaud you for managing as good as you do. I come from a family with four kids, so I am sure my mom can relate to that more…:)
.-= Simone (junglefrog)´s last blog ..Salmon en croute: Daring Cooks december 2009 =-.
OMGoodness. I have two and they have been pushing me to pull my hair out and run the streets screaming naked sometimes, lol. WIth Four my hat completeky goes off to you! That is amazing that you have the ability to do all that you do, that Supermom Cape fits you well!
Thank you for sharing! Oh yea that chowder looks DELISH!
I make something very similar to this that we all love. But, to make life even easier, I just use a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store and chop that meat up and toss it in. And I only have 2 kids! I’m such a cheater!
Hang in there. Things will work themselves out and you’ll be a pro at this 4 kid thing in no time!
.-= Karly´s last blog ..Raspberry Coffee Cake =-.
Kristen, I have been wondering how you are doing. Hope all is okay. Sometimes we all need a breather to find our new balance. It took me a long time to find the rhythm of having two kids …
This recipe looks delicious.
.-= Sarah Caron´s last blog ..How to Package Homemade Holiday Treats =-.
The soup looks wonderful! And, even though I don’t have as big of a family as you, I often find that it’s hard to please everyone at my dinner table as well… when I do, I keep that recipe handy!
.-= patsyk´s last blog ..Chocolate Mint Cookies & Giveaway Winners! =-.
The chowder looks fantastic! I enjoy corn chowder, but I always want more something in it, this is a great way to do that.
.-= Bob´s last blog ..Cheater BBQ Brisket and a Giveaway! =-.
It’s so hard isn’t it? To be everything to everyone…including yourself? I know you love your kids/family and agree with the need to put them & your husband first, but as you can tell from the comments, you are also loved for sharing your life (and dinners) with your readers too! We’ll take you any way we can get you, even if it’s with an occasional post—still nice to catch up! 🙂
.-= Sandie (Inn Cuisine)´s last blog ..Holiday Celebration Pies (Recipe: Sweet Potato Pie with Pecan Streusel) =-.
This looks delicious!! 4 kids! Wow! Family first is the way to go! I love your site though.
.-= The Teacher Cooks´s last blog ..Chocolate Pound Cake =-.
I have the utmost respect for moms, especially when you’re raising 4 kids under 7 years old! Whew! And congratulations on your 3rd blogiversary, Kristen. You continue to put forth excellent recipes and stories. Here’s wishing you many more. -Susan
I’m in my final weeks of pregnancy with #5…I understand what you mean about having to reprioritize your life as your family has grown. We homeschool and your comment about the things you feel like you can’t do anymore really resonated with me. This soup recipe looks great; I look forward to trying it a try to see how many in my brood give it “keeper” status.
Delicious! Loved the detailed instructions..It is a must and soon to be on my table.
.-= Cookeaze´s last blog ..Tasty Vegetable Pulav =-.
I have had to say no to many things too and have become quite good at it. If it is something I would rather not do because it takes time from the family then I say no! It will all get better soon and time will go so fast. My youngest is 7 and we are having so much fun with them all. I buy three gallons of milk at a time sometimes so that I don’t run out. I still do anyway!
.-= RobinSue´s last blog ..Super Fast: Pofosen =-.
Take all the time you need!! With the holidays, work, and only one, incredibly easy daughter, I’m still strapped.
.-= Tiffany´s last blog ..Wherein I attempt to make a gingerbread house =-.
When you feel down just think about how much your kids are going to look back on this one day and appreciate everything that you do. If it makes you feel better, I wish I’d had more siblings growing up – my parents and brother were great but I always would have loved more.
.-= maris´s last blog ..Tis the Season: 10 Cocktails that Taste Better than Gluhwein =-.
We all go through these transition phases in life- I totally know where you are coming from on this one! Take all the time that you need, your family is the most important thing, always.
.-= Aimee´s last blog ..Aimee’s Canadian Mincemeat =-.
Kristen, you will get your groove back; it just takes time and I’m sure it sometimes feels as though it will never happen. But it will.
Your chowder looks delicious, and what a blessing that everyone enjoys it! That was a rare thing in our family too.
.-= Lynda´s last blog ..Peanut Butter Fudge ( and a reminder for December’s "Family Recipes: Memories of Family, Food and Fun") =-.
So . . . sometimes letting go is the only way to hold on. Your kids and your family are a work in progress, just like you. Your head and heart will find the rhythm that works for all of you. And we will be here with you the whole time.
.-= Cora´s last blog ..Season’s Eatings – Cookbooks Make Perfect Gifts =-.
Oh, this looks so good. It snowing like crazy here today and this would warm my belly. I wish I could make it to the store for the ingredients. 🙁 Will save this recipe for another time. Happy holidays!
Re: running out of milk – here in Kuching, fresh milk is exceedingly expensive. Most people drink Ultra Heat Treated (UHT) milk which you can keep boxed, unrefrigerated, for months. We found a place that we could buy UHT milk in bulk, so we have a month’s supply of milk on hand. We’re not gonna run out of milk!
.-= Nate´s last blog ..Chinese Almond Cookie Recipe =-.
I sometimes feel overwhelmed with one, so I admire anyone with 4!! This soup looks divine.
.-= Deborah´s last blog ..Countdown to Christmas – Day 7 – Chocolate Cinnamon Bread =-.
love addition of corn and chicken 🙂 oh m soo loving this post!! 🙂 happy holidays and merry Christmas!
.-= nora@ffr´s last blog ..Caramelize fruits =-.
Looks great! So good to see a post from you. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
.-= Angela @ Hello Dahrlin’´s last blog ..The Christmas Dinner Menu =-.
Lovely hearty meal u have corn and chicken in a soup!!!
MErry Christams and happy holidays!!!!
Happy Holidays!
.-= Cynthia´s last blog ..The Best Gift =-.
Boy, if this doesn’t look like my Rocky Mountain Potato Chowder! I got the recipe from a friend years ago and my husband loves it. You can find the recipe here:
And, you said, “I used to be on the extreme end of organized with my house and routines, and well… let’s just say, that is sooooo not the case with me these days,”
That sounds so much like me and I’m an empty-nester! I guess working full-time in a bookstore is almost as exhausting as raising a family. I get to be on my feet all day, deal with crisis, clean up messes, and answer inane questions. 😉 Try not to worry about “doing it all.” We’ll be here whenever you stop by with a new post. Speaking of which, I tried your cheeseburger soup tonight. One word. YUM!!!!! My husband and I LOVED it! My only wish is that I could use real cheese instead of Velveeta. Have you ever tried substituting with cheddar? Does it get too stringy? I’m thinking of adding some bacon crumbles to the leftovers tomorrow night. Oh, and I used a full pound of meat and it didn’t seem like too much. I might even throw a few sauteed mushrooms in next time around. Delicious recipe, Kristen!!
.-= Les in NE´s last blog ..Torch =-.
Hey Kristen! Wish you and your family a wonderful 2010! I love reading your family stories. 🙂 Also very happy to hear that Culinart Snapshot will be back soon *wink wink*
.-= The Purple Foodie´s last blog ..Best of 2009: Books =-.