A look back at our week in photos as part of the #Imperfect366 No Rules Photography Project plus other snaps from the week. Check out the over 900photos submitted on Instagram.
It was a week of many days of “almost” forgetting to take a picture for the day, and I had to rely on iPhone pictures 2 of the days, but you know what? That’s what #Imperfect366 is all about…remembering that every day isn’t going to be perfect, and an iPhone picture is better than no picture! Right? (The photo above is from my Rock Your Happy Newsletter! Are you subscribed? If not you can check out the first one that went out by clicking here, and if you are so inclined to receive a weekly piece of happy mail, feel free to sign up!)
OK on to our week in photos…
January 25th (I’m now done with this book…read it in just a few hours. You can read my review of it here. This is what I wrote the day of the pitcure.) This book…oh this book. I’m half way through and am feeling so deep, I can’t breathe.
January 26th I sat down in bed tonight and realized I forgot to take a picture for today! So here it is, my glamorous bedside table, with a stack of books and magazines and my Sleepytime tea. Now, to figure out what to read… I think I’ll go with Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes . Have any of you read it?
January 27th I’m working on a new habit tacker for my bullet journal (still adding 3 more habits). Each day I complete my habits, I’ll color in a design or square to make a frame around the pictures/habits. By the end of February, if I do what I’m trying to do to form these habits, I’ll have pretty, framed photos. I’m a very visual person but not good at drawing. Since I am a photographer, I thought trying this method might be fun and more rewarding for me. We shall see!
January 28th Thank goodness for the sunshine!
I had to crack up when I saw a gaggle of neighborhood kids riding hover boards on our street after school today.
January 29th I’m so excited that the first official Rock Your Happy Newsletter went out today. It made me so happy to write it! Today’s topic was “What’s Your Sloth” and the responses back to me have been so inspiring!
January 30th Repeat after me, “I do not want another baby…I do not want another baby…I do not want another baby.” But dang, he’s so cute!
One of my favorite events each year is when our neighbors Margaret & Chris have the block over to decorate Valentine’s Gingerbread houses. This year was especially sweet because their grandkids got to participate! So fun!
January 31st I love it when I remind myself how important my morning happy hour is to me and make it a priority. I love it even more when I don’t have to wake up at 5am to get that time to myself! 8am and everyone is still sound asleep. Ahhhhhhh.
And here are a few more snaps from our week…iPhone and Snapchat pictures below.
More hoverboard fun!
Nick brought me home a special treat on Friday! It was really good!
I really do love my little Polaroid Printer. I would have never printed out this photo without it!
When did she turn into a teenager?
This picture makes me happy.
Slim Shady plays with bubbles for the first time and loves them!
We are so lucky to have the best neighbors, ever!
A hanging loofah provides tons of entertainment to a crazy cat.
Our neighbors sweet granddaughter! Isn’t she the cutest little thing?
How was your week? Do you have any favorite moments from the week to share? Make sure to leave a link to your pictures in the comments so I can go take a look!
My sloth is our grandchildren. Thank you for capturing them so beautifully! They make me laugh from deep within and evoke so much emotion. Joy, gratitude, pride…pure happiness.
They are the most precious little things! I love watching them grow!
I’m so inspired by you trying to enjoy life and feeling the moments before they slip rapidly by. The precious boy is so special and adorable. Maybe it isn’t time yet for another — enjoying this boy is enough for a while longer. People always say the children need brothers and sisters but maybe being the special boy for a few years longer will be just fine. He will hit the independent age and maybe then another baby would be great. I think there is so much going on that one baby for a while let’s you concentrate on him and gives him the support he needs to feel confident in this world. And gives you time to enjoy him to the fullest.
Thank you so much! Time definitely goes by incredibly fast.
I agree about your baby – you’ll know when the time is right!
Slowing down and capturing a moment each day is so great. When we tuck the kiddos in at night they ask to see a photo from x number of years ago and my husband pulls up a photo on his phone. It has been so fun to see what we were doing on that day so many years ago. I documented my life in an Instagram and my February goals in my latest post. http://thekitchenarium.com/february-goals/
I love that idea of looking at the pictures before bed. So awesome! I’m off to check out your post 🙂
I am in love with that typewriter!
It occurred to me over the weekend that I put so much on the internet and never have a permanent copy. Video, in particular, stuck out as a friend’s mom talked about the videos she had of him from his youth in the 80s and 90s. I have videos of my kids…on Facebook and Instagram. That’s it. Their lives are captured, sure, but then given wings to fly away… disappearing, only to be reminded of if they show up on Timehop. I need to change that this year.
So I had that same realization 3 years ago when my hard drive crashed and nothing could be recovered. I lost ALL of my photos from the previous couple of years, except for those that I shared on my blog. Which at that time, were 99% food. As if I wanted to look back and remember my life in food. No thank you! Printing and backing up has been a priority of mine!
two questions–
1) Why is the kid on the hoverboard wearing lederhosen?! hahaha
2) Did you make or purchase your dining table? And if you bought it– where?? looks gorgeous and rustic and wonderful.
Thank you!!!
Hahaha! I was wondering when someone was going to ask that! It was his grades international festival at school! I guess he just didn’t change after 🙂
So our table is from Nebraska Furniture Mart, but I bet you are looking at the boards that I have in the center of our table, which are just rustic barn boards I purchased off Ebay! Our table is a farmhouse type table, but the boards are what I really wish our table looked like!