An invitation for bloggers and non-bloggers alike (so anyone!) to join us in the #Imperfect365 Photography Project!
I mentioned in a recent Happiness Report that after completing three Project 365’s I needed a year off. I took 2014 off from officially taking/sharing a photo a day but now I’m back and am so excited to do another Project 365!
Most people would share this post inviting you all to join me in my adventure way before the new year…so you could prepare and be ready for your first photo on January 1st. But this is a different type of Project 365. This is a Perfectly Imperfect, no rules, photo a day project! Here’s how it works…
1) You take a photo a day with whatever camera you want to use. I’m going to try to focus on using my Nikon DSLR most of the time as I’ve found when I pick up my “big girl” camera each day, my photography really starts to improve. Camera phones, point and shoots, DSLR’s, polaroids, etc…whatever you want to shoot with, it’s totally up to you!
2) You share your photos either through Instagram with the hashtag of #Imperfect365 and/or I’d really love for you to join our Flickr group of perfectly imperfect participants. For projects like this, I really love the community aspect of Flickr!
3) Give up perfection. That’s the one and only rule of our #Imperfect365 photography project! What do I mean by that? Well, the hardest part of Project 365 is not giving into that “all or nothing” mentality. If it’s the end of the day and you realize you forgot to take a photo that day, who cares? Just start back up the next day! I can tell you that my kids LOVE my Project 365 photos more than just about anything I do, because it’s a really neat way to look back at the year. They are one of my favorite things too. Who cares if you miss a day or two or five? Let go of perfection and just pick up where ever you left off. Don’t give up simply because you missed a step…that’s silly!
4) This project is open to anyone who just wants to capture moments throughout 365 days. Bloggers and non-bloggers are encouraged to join! Also, you don’t have to be a pro at photography to join! All skill levels are welcome. I’d love to see this community thrive as the most perfectly imperfect group of 365’rs out there! PS – join at anytime! Today, next week, next month…whenever works for you! Also, if you join and share photos, take a few minutes to comment and like other participants photos. That’s one of the best parts of a Project 365…the encouragement from others and connecting through photography!
Will you accept the challenge to capture and share moments throughout the year? I hope so!
Take the plunge and join the free Flickr group today!
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I love this! And I’m so glad you mentioned the “imperfect” part. The few years that I’ve tried a 365 photo project, I swear that at least a third of them ended up being photos that I begrudgingly snapped at 11pm because I forgot that day. I like the idea of giving yourself grace on it from the start.
Can’t wait to see your photos!! 🙂
I always get stuck in the all or nothing mentality and end up quitting if I mess up! Had to make sure that wasn’t an obstacle for anyone this time!
Happy new year!!
LOVE THIS! Thanks so much for heading this up… and extending the open invitation. Looking so forward to the accountability of the group as I work on my 1st 365.
You will absolutely love your 1st 365. Somedays maybe not so much but in the end you will be so glad you did it!
This is exactly what I’m looking for!
Oh good! You’ll be joining us then? So excited!
I am so excited to finally join this project! Thank you for creating the group!!
I am too and so glad I was prompted to make the Flickr group! It’s going to be fun!
clearly I’m imperfect ALREADY as it’s 3 January here and I haven’t started 🙂
Happy New Year Kristen – I hope 2015 is fabulous for you and your family
Mel xx
Well then you are perfect for the group – join us! That’s why I didn’t start it on the 1st because I didn’t want people to be hung up on what day it was and that they were behind and hadn’t started yet 🙂 Join us 🙂
I love the imperfect part of this; that I can work with!
Thanks for the invite, Kristin. I just joined and am looking forward to sharing my imperfect photos and seeing what everyone else is looking at in their world. Happy New Year!
You’ve made my morning with this, Kristen. I first saw the thread on FB and then clicked over here on my phone and read through so many of the links on the post before this one — inspired! I’m looking forward it the project so much and had been thinking of a designated time for photography. It’s such a restorative thing for me. So THANKS! I’ve joined the Flickr group (also love that I’ll be able to spend more time there — I’ve always loved it and so many have gone away from it). Happy New Year!
Kristen, I’m so excited to join this and thank you for inspiring me. This totally motivates me to capture more pictures.
Just posted my first Imperfect365 image and scrolled through a bunch of the photos on Instagram. This is going to be fun!
Yay!! So glad you are joining in!
This is perfect for me. I keep reading about people who feel like the 365 totally changed their photography…but as a mom of three small boys, I was already feeling overwhelmed by the thought of getting one great photo every day.
The pictures you’ve submitted so far are fantastic! Just let go of perfection – and you’ll have a lot of fun with this!
So so grateful for you for starting the flickr group and giving me the nudge to do this!!
After losing my husband unexpectedly last month, I am looking for ways to occupy my time and help to ease my pain. This project seems like something that I should take on.
Debbie…oh I am terribly sorry. How are you? Is there anything I can do? Love and prayers. Let me know if you join in!
Fabulous idea, K! I love the Flickr group concept as well as the imperfect part. This is so doable. Thanks for creating the group, my friend!
This is a fantastic idea, I’m tempted!
Lovely blog.
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Mama Bee