Hi all! I got a little behind on posting my #ThisIs40 photos, so this is going to be a long one! So far, 40 has been fabulous! Here is what weeks 5, 6 and 7 looked like for me, in photos.
November 3rd: We had Kelly’s 10th birthday party at a place called Sky Zone, here in Kansas City. Basically it’s just a giant, indoor trampoline park! Nick even got in on the jumping action, impressing all of Kelly’s friends with his impressive air. And of course, I had to get a picture of my girl blowing out her birthday cupcake candles!
November 4th: My sweet oldest baby girl turned 10 today. Kelly is the epitome of sweetness and kindness to everyone. I alway say she deserves the presents and cards on Mothers Day because she has the most natural mothering instinct I’ve ever seen. I love her with all my heart and am so incredibly proud to be her mom!
November 5th: It was a slightly overcast, gorgeous fall day today! It was the perfect afternoon to sit down with a cup of tea and my Kindle Paperwhite to read!
November 6th: Kelly got a new electric scooter for her birthday! I love watching the girls zip down the street together.
November 7th: Ella’s 2nd grade class put on a really touching concert at school honoring Veterans! She did an awesome job!
November 8th: Seriously, Leah cracks me up every, single, day. Don’t you just love this look? 🙂
November 9th: I decided randomly that I was going to clean out the pantry today. I got two shelves out of 4 cleared out and then, when everything was out on the counter, kind of decided I didn’t really want to do it anymore! Of course, I ended up finishing, but realize I need to do the whole “set your timer for 15 minutes” strategy instead of going no holds bar!
November 10th: I love quiet Sunday mornings and a cup of coffee and the newspaper.
November 11th: I feel like we totally skipped fall and winter is already upon us. I am so not ready for these kind of dreary days!
November 12th: It’s hard to believe yesterday was so dreary as today was a gorgeous, sunshiney day…which obviously put us in great moods!
November 13th: I went for a hike today while Leah was at school. It was super windy, so I didn’t last long. (I’m also wearing the shirt Leah informed me “looks terrible”. Ugh – gotta love the mouths of 4 year olds!)
November 14th: I know these posts seem to turn into the Leah show (in fact, I’m feeling slightly guilty because I don’t have a single picture of Jacob in the past 3 weeks) but Leah is who I am with 99% of the day, so right now, it is a lot more about her than anyone else! Plus she’s at the age where she is constantly begging me to take her picture!
November 15th: I sometimes still can’t believe that I get paid to create and take pictures of delicious food…and then get to eat it! (Apple Crisp recipe coming soon!)
November 16th: My friend, Cheryl, showed me this really awesome trick for creating a holiday light bokeh behind photos. Check it out on this pinterest pin!
November 17th: Kelly decided to make chocolate chip cookies, sporting a cute The Hip Hostess apron, all by herself today. They turned out perfect! I also got to take a little trip down memory lane getting Ella’s pictures ready for her Rock Star of the Week at school!
November 18th: I helped my neighbor out by taking their family photos for their Christmas cards this year. Aren’t they the cutest family? Leah says she is marrying both of the boys and says she doesn’t have to choose between them!
November 19th: Nick and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary today! This was the gift I made him, which was interactive and includes an ongoing 52 weeks of happiness!
November 20th: After having a house full of kids and every once in awhile wishing for quiet during the day, I can’t believe that sometimes on the days when Leah goes to school from 10-3, it gets too quiet around here. Today was one of those days, so I escaped to Starbucks for a half an hour for a change of scenery!
November 21st: I loved this morning. I woke up early and made homemade biscuits for the kids. The light was just so soft and perfect. I had to capture it!
November 22nd: While the boys were at basketball practice tonight, the girls and I had a “girls night in” with our new Wii mini and Mario Cart! It was a lot of fun!
November 23rd: You know it’s the start to a good weekend when it involves my favorite waffle recipe and browsing through the People Magazine Sexiest Man Alive issue with Adam Levine on the cover.
That’s it for #Thisis40 for now! Thanks so much for following along!
For other Project 365 and #ThisIs40 posts, make sure to click this link to head to the archives.
Remember, for pictures that may not make the cut for my #ThisIs40 posts, you can always follow me on Instagram!
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40 has never looked so good. Love that photo of Leah in the tutu and you’ve inspired me to wake up early to make my family biscuits at least once before I turn 40. I’m pretty sure they would fall over dead. xo
This whole getting up early is making my kids quite happy because they are getting breakfast out of it.
I just love these posts. And your kids. They are just the sweetest!
Thanks so much, Rachel 🙂 They certainly can be sweet at times.
Loved all of these, Kristen! And I totally get that guilt of not having any pictures of your guy. My son HATES the camera and I’m always worried he’s going to look back and think I didn’t love him because there are thousands of photos of his sister and none of him. Haha!
I feel like my son is always off with his friends and things, and like yours, when he is home the last thing he wants in his face is my camera! Darn boys!
I love these posts and your pictures of Leah always make me smile. I agree life past 40 is awesome!
She makes me smile 🙂 And 40 is fabulous! Who knew?
I love the pictures. I couldn’t take as cute of pictures of my everyday life if I tried. I’m definitely loving catching up on reading on these cold days.
You have the sweetest family. Leah is adorable and full of life and happy birthday to Kelly! I have so much fun reading through these post and the awesome pictures!
Love it. All of it. And we have a Sky Zone where I am, too. The kids love it. Quite possibly the ONLY thing that tires them out!
40 is fabulous! I loved looking through the pictures and catching up on your life a bit. Miss you! Hugs!
I cannot tell you how much I love this, Kristen! You are fabulous and such an inspiration… And, to think, I have been moping about 31 lately. Thanks so much for sharing!
I love all these pictures and life updates! I’ve been on a mini-hiatus because of a cross country move, but it’s nice to catch up with posts like this 🙂