There are a lot of things I take for granted… that *we* take for granted. One of those things is the fact that I can easily take my kids to their regular checkups for their required vaccinations. Keeping them protected from life threatening illnesses through vaccines is as simple as a quick visit to our friendly pediatrician.
Did you know that vaccines aren’t easily accessible for everyone? There are many children in under developed countries who die all the time from lack of vaccines… in fact…
1 child dies every 20 seconds from a disease that could have been prevented through a simple vaccination.
What a heart breaking statistic. I feel moved and compelled to do whatever I can to change it, which is why I am partnering with my friend, Tracey Clark, and the United Nations Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign in a project to make vaccines accessible to children everywhere.
Tracey, our partners at Shot@Life, and I are teaming together this week for Global Immunization Week. Our goal is to raise awareness and funds for this important cause. Of course, we wanted to get you all involved by making this a week full of creative opportunities and incredible prizes. Are you ready to learn how you can help? It’s as easy as spreading the word… and taking a picture of your coffee!
#ShotofCoffee + #MyMugShot = #Shot4Shot
Those of you who follow me through various social media outlets know that I have a slight obsession with taking pictures of coffee. Through the #ShotofCoffee hashtag, I and many of you have been sharing your morning cup of Joe with others. I found my kindred coffee spirit in Tracey when I discovered she did the same thing, but with a #MyMugShot hashtag! What do these two hashtags and all the fun pictures we take have to do with vaccines? This is where you come into the picture!
- You are invited to join us for a week of coffee, creativity & giving kids a shot at life! All week long we encourage you to share your mug shots (#mymugshot) of your morning shot of coffee (#shotofcoffee) with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and/or your blog. We cannot wait to see the images you capture and share with us for #Shot4Shot.
- By brewing our coffee and steeping our tea in the comfort of our own home, you save time & money. We ask that you contemplate how much cash you spend of coffee out and about and consider donating that money you won’t be spending this week to making a huge difference in the lives of kids that need a shot at a healthy life. $20 can give a child vaccinations for life… $20, that’s it!
- This week, we’re making #Shot4Shot a social endeavor! We hope you will share your participation through your social networks. The object is to turn our shots into shots by raising awareness about Shot@Life. Tracey and I will be co-hosting the Shot@Life Twitter party on launch day, Thursday 4/26 at 9am EST. Feel free to join in to help spread the word!
- How about some real life, in person coffee fun? Gather some friends together for a coffee date this week. It’s a perfect excuse to catch up with friends AND make a difference. I’m hosting a bring your own mug, #shot4shot gathering on Thursday morning. The more collective energy we get behind us this week, the better.
Of course, helping kids in need is awesome enough, but we have some really cool prizes in store for you all too! At the end of the week Tracey and I will be randomly choosing six shots from the #Shot4Shot participants to receive one of the following fab gifts, courtesy of our #Shot4Shot supporters (remember to hashtag your coffee/tea/mug photos and tweets with #Shot4Shot to be included in the giveaways!):
- Big Picture Classes is offering away a complimentary spot in Tracey’s next photo workshop Picture Black & White.
- We’ve got a limited edition Shot@Life Messenger bag.
- Shutter Sisters is offering up a signed copy of Expressive Photography. (This is one of my absolute, favorite photography books!)
- Ephiphanie Bags has donated one of their coveted camera bags. You read right!! How awesome is that?
- Making your own coffee at home is even easier with a brand new Keurig brewer! We have one Signature Keurig brewer with 36 K-Cups for you!
- Paper Coterie has offered a $100 gift card. You’ll go as crazy as I do for their stuff… I promise!
- And we have a BONUS for EVERYONE! Paper Coterie wants to help us thank all of you who choose to participate by giving every single person who shares a #Shot4Shot image this week a lovely photo journal. What better way to feature your own favorite photograph from the week? You help us spread awareness AND you get a gift. Amazing!
We cannot wait to celebrate Shot @ Life with #Shot4Shot this week with all of you!
I know this post is loaded with information, but hopefully you aren’t too overwhelmed! Basically, the goal is simple… let’s save some lives by bringing awareness to this important cause.
*We would love for the United Nations Foundation and all of their incredible partners to feel the Shot @ Life love this week. Please visit Shot @ Life on facebook and give them a like for us.
*If you believe in giving kids a shot at a healthy life, like we do, please visit the Shot @ Life website and take the pledge! Your support helps so much.
*To donate to the Shot @ Life Campaign, please visit our Crowdrise page. The money you save by brewing your own coffee at home could give a needed vaccine to a child who wouldn’t otherwise get it. And a donation of only $20 gives one child ALL the vaccines they need for a shot at a healthy life. Only $20.
*Beyond the #Shot4Shot hashtag (and if you’re so inclined the #mymugshot and/or #shotofcoffe) please use the hashtag #vaccineswork so all that we share together is on the radar of all of the other people out there looking to give kids a shot at a healthy life.
*For your Paper Coterie journal code, all you need to do is send us an email with a link to at least one of your #Shot4Shot submissions and we will send you your code. Woohoo! Journal codes will go out following the #Shot4Shot week festivities.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! We appreciate your help in spreading the word for this important cause!
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
What a great cause, I can’t wait to help raise awareness. This is a great idea!
Thanks for helping to spread the word, Cassie 🙂
How fun. I share my coffee shots with you anyways 🙂 Great partnership!
I know – that’s what is great about it! And when you do it this week, you could win some fun stuff 🙂 Thanks so much, Aimee!
What a great cause you guys!! I can’t wait to participate this week!
We’d be so glad to have you join in! Thanks!
Such an amazing event! I will most definitely be spreading the word and of course playing along. I need to start brewing my coffee at home anyway. I’m awful because I waste so much money each week buying coffee. Such a waste of money and, like you said, that cash could go to someone who is needy!
I was horrible until I got my Keurig… which makes it way easy to enjoy coffee at home. As you know, I still enjoy my coffee shop latte’s every now and then, but I also enjoy the money I save not buying it so often! Thanks for participating!
SO excited to participate! An excuse to get together my girls for coffee? Yes!
Yay!! I could always use an excuse for coffee combined with girlfriend time!
You have a sweet, sweet soul, my friend. It is an honor and a privilege to know you.
🙂 Thanks, Natalie. I feel the same way about you!
Fantastic! I just attended a lecture including info on why it’s so important to continue with vaccinations. Still don’t understand why parents don’t get it!?
I understand there are pluses and minuses to everything we do, especially as parents, but the statistics are heart breaking. Awareness needs to be spread everywhere to save lives.
I am so there!
Woo-hoo!! Glad to have you be a part of it. Thanks for your help in spreading the word!
Oh I love this!! I’ll start in the morning. Yay!
So excited to see your #shotofcoffee!
What a wonderful course. I love your idea of having a morning coffee gathering! 🙂 That’s going to be lots of fun. Will be sending in my shots soon. 🙂
Love. Have tweeted, facebooked and instagrammed. Will head over to make our family’s donation right now.
Thanks for this collaboration!!!
Great cause! Thanks.
I put up a post on my blog, as well as my FB but I cannot access your email, I am not sure if it is your link or my computer. Can you please type out the email address for me? Thanks so much! 🙂
What an awesome idea for an even better cause! Thanks for the share!