This giveaway is now closed. The winner was Jeremiah from
Home office organization – one thing I want so badly to attain, but struggle with considerably. There used to be a time in my life where “there was a place for everything and everything in its place”, but as my family grew, my life grew busier and I put keeping track of important information to the wayside.
Business receipts would be stashed away until I had time to enter them into my spreadsheet for our accountant. Business cards I would gather from conferences would sit in the bottom of a drawer, with the hopes that someday I would enter them into my contacts. Recipes that I had printed off of blogs or torn out of magazines were stacked and shoved into drawers, waiting for a time when I could find a better system to organize them. As much as I longed to be organized, finding an easy system that worked with my busy life was difficult.
Enter the NeatDesk High Speed Scanner & Digital Filing System. Earlier this year, my friends at The Neat Company shared this incredible product with me and it has enabled me to easily bring organization back to my desk. What once felt like an overwhelming task of manually entering all the receipt, business card and recipe information I was behind on into my computer, was taken over by the ease and functionality of the NeatDesk.
One of my favorite NeatDesk features is that everything you scan in becomes searchable and organized. The NeatDesk includes patented Neat software to identify and extract key information from your paper files, then automatically organizes it in a functional database. It is not only “neat” but also a very smart little machine.
Oh – and one more thing… using the NeatDesk input tray, you can scan up to 50 items at a time. No sitting next to your scanner all day babysitting your scanning project. Input your items and walk away and within a matter of minutes, the NeatDesk will have your information scanned and organized, just like that.
For a complete list of the time saving and organizing features of The NeatDesk and NeatReceipts software, make sure to check out The Neat Company website.
Giveaway: NeatDesk High Speed Scanner & Digital Filing System!
I’m excited to let you know that The Neat Company has given one lucky Dine & Dish reader the chance to win a NeatDesk system for Mac or PC (ARV $499)! Keep it for yourself or give the awesome gift of organization this holiday. To enter the giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post sharing your best home / office organization tip. For additional entries:
- Tweet the following: ” Want the gift of organization this holiday? Enter the NeatDesk #Giveaway (ARV $499) from @NeatCompany & @DineandDish ” Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you completed this.
- Become a fan of The Neat Company on Facebook. Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you completed this.
All entries must be received by midnight CST on Monday, December 5th. Winner will be chosen via and notified via valid email address. Thanks and good luck!
This is a sponsored giveaway on behalf of The Neat Company. This product has turned my office from a place of chaos to a place of organization. All opinions expressed are my own.
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Best organization tip? Stay on top of it! Ha. I try, oh so hard to keep my desk clear, but I NEED something like this in my life! Mmmhm….a tip? Mise en place for life? Just have everything ready, for when you need it.
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Oh how I dream of an organized office. My tip would be to not start a pile or hide a stack of unfinished business – one pile becomes many and hidden piles are forgotten and grow, almost like socks disappear in the dryer 🙂
What a neat product!
I just tweeted!
I just liked the Neat Desk page on Facebook.
My best advice is to grab a large business envelope and keep all your scraps of paper, receipts, notes, etc. in it until you have time to transcribe them. This way you know exactly where they all are and they aren’t floating all over your home or office. And of course, use a NeatDesk product to keep them organized!!
I tweeted!
I “liked” the NeatDesk FB page!
Oooh, best tip is to not be afraid to throw things away! 😛
I also tweeted!!/suki/status/141007556788224000 🙂
I shared a small office w/ my Deputy Director for the last few months. I found it easy to have a once-a-week morning be “cleaning the office” mornings. We spent so much time there that this was a nice refresher every week.
Plus, we treated ourselves to coffee right after! Win-Win!
I tweeted.!/JeremiadLee/status/141008407904780290
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My tip: Scan everything, then shred it, but be sure to use a backup service like Backblaze just in case your computer dies.
I use an index card file box to organize business cards I have been given.
I think my best is making sure to sort the mail when you get it. Throw out the ads (or opt out of junk mail). Sort the bills. It keeps from having piles of overload sitting on the counter or desk vying for your attention.
Tweet scheduled for 11/28 @ 1:30p. 😉
My best home organization tip is to make sure every bin and basket is labeled clearly! Such a time saver!
I tweeted about the giveaway! @CheSaysCheryl
I also follow Neat Company on Facebook as well!! *fingers crossed*!!!!
My biggest organization tip is to touch something once and then be done with it.
I tweeted about this giveaway.
I liked Neat on Facebook.
I am in desperate need of this Neat Desk. My life is ruled by paper and receipts as an independent contractor and entrepreneur. Nevertheless, I can offer the suggestion to take an envelope marked with location and dates with you on any trips out of town. that way all relevant receipts will be in one place and marked. I’m also a big fan of labeled file folders!
Oh, I long to be super organized!! The only thing that keeps me on top of things at all is to take care of things as soon as possible instead of letting bills and receipts stack up. That way it’s not too overwhelming!
I am a new fan of NeatDesk on Facebook!
I tweeted about this giveaway.
I am the last person who should be giving tips on office organization, which is why I’m entering this giveaway! 🙂
Organizational tip is to have shelving to keep items from piling up on the desk.
I schedule every pay day as a clean off the desk and pay bills day. It takes about an hour and everything gets put in its place. This machine would sae a lot of time!
I just became a fan on Facebook!
My organization tip is to handle a piece of paper only once instead of moving it from stack to stack, take the time to deal with it.
I try to handle anything no more than twice so as to complete it – don’t let things sit – JUST DO IT!!!
I tweeted about the give-away!!!
My best tip is don’t let anything leave your hand without dealing with it. If you lay it somewhere or put it in a stack, it will have to be dealt with later. If it needs to be filed, file it. If it needs to be thrown away, throw it away.
My tip is to never leave a room without taking a quick scan to see if there’s anything that needs to go somewhere else. For example if I leave the office I check to see if there’s anything laying around that needs to go to the kitchen, if that’s where I’m heading….
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I’m also a fan of the “put everything in a large envelope” technique, especially for business travel.
My best organization tip is not to let the mail pile up. If it’s junk mail it immediately goes into a basket for shredding. Coupons go in the coupon basket and everything else that’s important can get put on the table by the door. This saves me from having a “crazy moment” when I open the door and am attacked by a giant mail pile that is mostly junk.
I’m a fan on facebook as well now!
I could so use one of these… My best organizational tip is to let the husband help 😉 I need all the help I can get with 2 kids!
I’ve wanted this for so long but could never afford it. I tweeted the link (via!/kmw0919)
I also just became a fan of NeatDesk on Facebook as well as began following them on Twitter!
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well i thought my file folders were pretty amazing and so neatly organized until i saw this!!
My best tip – unless you might return an item, once the amount has posted to your account/credit card shred the receipt! Otherwise they just add to the clutter.!/poeticalprophet/status/141172129218568192
tweeted it
My best home office organization tip is to have a shredder! Shred everything you don’t need anymore – if you don’t have a shredder or have too much to shred check with your local area to see when they have free shred it days and you can bring your documents and have them shred for you.
I liked them on Facebook 🙂
I’ve been looking at the NeatDesk products for a while. I’m really glad you wrote about them, as I’m re-organizing my office system now. I have clear zip-lock bags for each month of receipts, which I like better than my old manila-envelope system. I need to post the receipts more often and keep up with it monthly. I’m sure the NeatDesk system would be a perfect solution for keeping the expenses organized. My best tip would be to set up a schedule and stick to it…don’t let the paperwork back up.
I tweeted. Would love to win this system.
I am now a Facebook fan of Neat Company. If I don’t win, I’m going to buy their system anyway.
I would love to have one of these! My best tip is to open all mail as soon as you get it and immediately throw out all junk mail. That way you don’t end up with huge piles of mail to sort later.
My best tip?
Log everything immediately – whether it’s mail, an idea, or bills. Working with a system like ‘getting things done’ or another one that works for you, create and sort a filing system – it doesn’t matter whether you’re a WAHP or run a business from home, it’s critical to ensure that you can put your hands on paperwork when you need it. And if you’re lucky enough to get a scanner, I recommend Evernote for filing stuff, but that’s just because it’s the one I use now 😉
I tweeted!
Tweeted 🙂
And I’m a fan 🙂
Man, I need this big time!! My best organization tip as a food blogger is that I keep a giant binder organized by month. Every time I make a recipe or grocery shop, I attach the recipe to the receipt and stash it in the proper month. Now if I could just get better about circling which items are actually for the recipe. I tend to do that toward the end of the year… which is a nightmare!!
One of my organizing tips is to open your mail every day and throw out the junk the same day so it doesn’t pile up! Thanks for this giveaway!
I am Dthern AND i TWEETED
” Want the gift of organization this holiday? Enter the NeatDesk #Giveaway (ARV $499) from @NeatCompany & @DineandDish
I stay organized by staying on top of things every day
My family’s best organization tip is to deal with the mail as soon as it comes into the house. Junk goes right in the garbage and bills are paid online. No piles of mail sitting around. It really frees up countertop space.
Train your husband 😛
My best home organization tip is time. In time, your children will grow older and move out and then you can be organized once again 🙂
I tweeted your giveaway. FromValeriesKitchn
How I would love to win this beauty.
I try my best to stay organized by having different baskets for everything – receipts, school work, homework, etc. But, I could be even more organized with this nifty little scanner! 🙂
I tweeted your give-away.
I became a fan of The Neat Company on Facebook.
My tip is to go through ur mail everyday and throw out all the junk mail. If ur not on top of things it will pile up quickly. I love this giveaway. This would make my life so much easier. <3
I tweeted!/TheLittleKitchn/status/141203397410947072
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Hmmm, I don’t really have any good organization tips to share because I am completely unorganized right now! Ok, here’s a tip: don’t get behind!! 🙂 This scanner looks amazing and would help me a ton.
Having a organized home office is essential to success in my opinion. I think NeatDesk products are great. Thanks for the write up.
Top Coffee Maker
I don’t have any fantastic organizational tips- my best ones are to have & use a shredder, and open the mail right away and get rid of the junk! This system looks fantastic. Thanks!
My best organization tip is, just let me do it. 🙂 My husband has a siding business. However, he is not an organized person. So my part is the paperwork. I would love to have this tool. It would make my job so much easier.
I tweeted!!/smiem/status/141220403732418560
My best organization tip is to only handle mail once. Sort it right away: bills, trash, to-do and then do it!
I liked them on facebook!
My best office organization has been the old school filing cabinet with folders approach. How I would love to get into the digital 21st century. Thank you for the chance to win.
I would love one..lord knows I need help organizing.
Oh this would be a dream organizer for me. I know where everything is, but to anyone else it appears to be a mess. Currently to stay organized I organize business cards and events in ziploc bags labeled so I don’t loose track of where everything was from, then I file them in my file cabinet, which I don’t retrieve things out of often. That is why I would love to have this scanner.
Another organization tip, is to put it on the calendar right away. Say yes or no to invites quickly. (you typically know if you are going the moment you open it) place the info on calendar, so you don’t forget the little things too
I tweeted about your great giveaway 🙂
Put everything on the family shared calendar immediately and schedule numerous reminder alerts.
Yay! So glad to see this giveaway. 🙂
This home organization tip has helped me so much: Keep a 3-ring binder filled with page protectors. Whenever you buy a new appliance or product, put the owner’s manual, warranty information, and any other relevant information that you might lose into a page protector. Voila! When something arises a year or two down the road and you need the information, it’s simple to find!
I liked “The Neat Company” on Facebook!
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My best tip is to put your shredder next to where you open your mail.
My best organization tip is to open the mail everyday and throw away what you don’t need. Another great tip I’ve tried recently to clean out the basement is to throw out boxes that have not been opened for more than 3 years (and to not look in them before throwing them out).
I liked The Neat Company on facebook.
I tweeted (@Bibberche)!
I use my digiral camera to take photos not only of office clutter, but of my kids art projects, tests, etc. It was liberating getting rid of all the paper!
I like Neat Desk on FB (Svetlana Watkins).
My tip is to open all mail upon receipt. Take out the junk mail and discard it right away to avoid clutter. Separate out other items into actionable piles (shred, pay bills, follow up calls, etc) and try to get to each one within the next 2 days.
My tip is to not leave piles around — if you need to shred something, shred it; if you need to file something, file it. Otherwise, everything gets put off more and more.
My favorite organization tip is to go through everything right away so there is no build up of stuff or piles.
I want that! This would be the perfect gift for my husband who has stacks of receipts and cards on the office desk. As for my best organization tip, I guess it would be don’t leave anything lying around or it will pile up! lol
Tweeted it!
My best organizing trick is to TAKE CARE OF IT NOW! If I leave it for later, the stack just grows!
NeatDesk is my facebook friend!
I liked The Neat Company on Facebook as well. Gee, I hope I win!
My best organization tip is probably to stay on top of everything. It’s so easy to put stuff aside and say you’ll do it later, but the best way to keep everything neat is to organize it as it comes in!
I just became a Fan of The Neat Company on Facebook!
I tweeted about the giveaway! @kitchenkarate
My 2 new friends are The Neat Company and Dine and Dish on Facebook!
Wow, this looks like just what I need to control the recipe paper pile that’s building up!
Never be too hard on yourself. When you become your own boss, it could either be a positive or negative thing. You can tend to relax too much to forsake work, or you can overwork yourself too. After every accomplished task, take time to relax. It will enable you to revive and gather enough strength needed to complete the next set of tasks. By doing this, you will also notice that you produce more quality work.
I have no good tips!! The only thing that has worked for me thus far is to have an expandable binder that I put everything into. That way at least nothing is lost but there is not much organization!
Wow that is an awesome product! I have piles of paper everywhere! I bought a bunch of colored boxes – pink, blue, green – from the Container Store to organize the kids school papers, bills & medical bills that need to be claimed. They help but a lot of times the papers sit on top of the boxes for awhile until that magical day when I can sort through them:)
I just tweeted about Neat Company and the NeatDesk!
My best organization tip: if it’s gathering dust, it’s been there too long. 😉
And now The Neat Company and I are friends. The best tip I can offer for office organization is to enter receipts as soon as you get them. That’s how I keep our budget as current as possible, and I have an immediate lookback on how we’re doing. The rest of the paperwork…not so much!
Oh that is sooo cool! My tip is to have a binder for putting printed recipes in. I used to print them and throw them in a drawer and now I have an actual place for them!
I’m a fan on FB!
I NEED this! One tip is to handle each piece of paper once so you don’t leave piles of paperwork to deal with later. Thanks!
As soon as I bring in the mail I dump junk mail straight into the can so I dont have a bunch of garbage papers lying around also, I clean up my desk every saturday night!/aahaft/status/141317770171256832
I enter my expenses on a daily basis into my spreadsheet.It makes it easier to submit my expenses on Monday. 🙂
Tweeted at @LisaSaysLook2
My best organizing tip is take at least 15 minutes a day to keep things tidy, it makes a big difference
An office with flat surfaces will collect stacks that never move — NO flat surfaces!
WOW. NeatDesk would be perfect for my family of six. My desk looks like a cyclone hit it and it spreads to the kitchen counter. I would love to win something to help me organize so easily.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My best home organization is don’t let two pack rats get married!! 😀
My best organizational tip is to not let paper accumulate. I am forever throwing things away especially envelopes from letters.
I tweeted your link
Posted on Kitchen Parade’s Facebook page — sorry, can’t for life of me figure out what the URL might be. 🙂
I’m embarrased to say…I have no good organizing techniqes 🙁 I used to be considered SO very organized by everyone I knew. I was the master of lists ( seriously…I made a list for EVERYTHING). Now that I have 3 children (not to mention all the stray kids we always seem to have , everyhting gets shoved into a drawer or piled up. My husband has SO many receipts ( at least 15 a day)and invoices that need filed, but when I finally get a few minutes…it’s SO overwhelming. This WOULD.BE.AWESOME!!
this would be wonderful to have!!! my tip is I have a plastic file box. a file for each month. then I put reciepts in order. then everything is there when I need to reconcile everything!!!!
thanks, I sooooo want to win…..
What a great Christmas gift for “me”! I’d love to be included.
I’ve “liked” the Neat Co on FB. I’m probably the only one that doesn’t tweet.
im a fan of the neat company. hope i win this cool neatdesk
I don’t have a great way of keeping things organized right now. I just throw all my receipts in a tupperware container and go thru them maybe a year later. Would love to be able to get organized.
The Neat Company is my FB friend! Would love to win one of these!
Sadly, I’m not very organized – I have a folder labeled taxes but I usually end up collecting a pile for at least two weeks before it ends up actually IN the folder lol. This would be a great tool to help me organize myself!!
Cork boards and push pins are my best frend right now! I need this machine!
I tweeted this giveaway (@jilliebean_j)
I’m a fan of The Neat Company on FB!
I love having all different kind of baskets.
I have tweeted this.
I have liked the Neat Company on Facebook.
This would be awesome. My best tip is to write on the top of the receipt what it was for. So helpful down the road when you cant remember!
I liked them On Facebook 😉
Containers with lids to hold all the papers that I’m not sure what to do with has been my best bet so far. I could use this! 🙂
I stuff everything in a folder!
I use folders and baskets to keep everything organized
Folders! I use folders for everything! And Post-It Notes. They are my best friend! Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize!
I don’t have any organization tips, that’s why I could really use this!
This is exactly the type of organization tool I need in my office. This would be genius for all my travel expenses and receipts as well as any receipts we pick up for our photography business. I’d love this!!
My best tip is to not let the papers pile up – deal with things like the mail on a daily basis. Now if only I could follow my own advice 🙂
I tweeted about the giveaway.
At this time of year, I always keep track of my receipts. I have a budget for Christmas giving and it really helps to have copies of everything purchased to plug in to my spreadsheets.
I liked the neat company on facebook.
I would love to win this because I am sooo disorganized. I try, really I do, but paper work is taking over my office.
I wish I had organizational tips and I wish that my home and office looked this organized but it looks like it was hit with a Tornado!! I SO need this to start me on my journey of getting things back on track!! Thank you for this giveaway and opportunity! Have a blessed Holiday Season! 🙂
I “Like” the Neat Company on Facebook! Thank you again! 🙂
This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen for the office organization!!! wowzers! My tip would just be to use post-it notes…i use those things like crazy!! helps keep me on top of all my stuff though! 🙂
my best tip is : DONT FORGET ABOUT OVERHEAD SPACE. you can have pull down storage on tracks … push the back up and the kids cant get to them… Wonderful
I liked their page, too. And I loved the product. I am staring at a huge stack of paperwork that need to be filed and I am thinking… we need one of these asap! Tks for sharing.
Wish I had some tips, I have papers everywhere!! This would be an awesome thing to have!
I’m a fan of the neat company on facebook
I “Like” the Neat Company on Facebook! Thank you again! 🙂 Ps. Putting the tracks against the walls and up about 4 to 5 feet will give you 3 to 4 feet of pull down shelf on the walls:)
Best organization tip: filing cabinet!
Oh Kristen! This would be a lifesaver for our household! And what a plus on helping me organize all my recipes I love to collect & share! This would be the ultimate multi-task organization! Pick me pick me!;)
Just liked the neat company on Facebook!
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What a fabulous giveaway! The best tip I can offer for home office organization is not to let the filing pile up; spend just a few minutes each day keeping your paperwork organized. It pays off in the end…my hubby is always surprised when he wonders where that appliance manual is, or the receipt for this gizmo, and I can pull it out in seconds.
I just became a fan of The Neat Company on Facebook.
I tweeted about your giveaway.
Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Like neat Facebook Can’t wait !
Lovely giveaway…I try to file all receipts as soon as I take them out of my purse.
This is amazing! Because I total my local and state sales taxes for the year, I have to keep track of ALL of my receipts. This would be a big help!
Became a fan of Neat Company on Facebook
Keep booklets that come with products in protective sleeves in a binder with receipt and picture. Use tabs in binder to organize products.
I became a fan and posted a link to on my fb page. What a great idea.
I am also in need of organization for my new business -my best advise would be to enter receipts as soon as you can – once the pile up its an overwhelming task.
Happy Holidays
This is amazing..! I try to stay organized..keyword: TRY! This scanner/filing system would make life so much easier. My best advice is to organize a little bit at a time! Don’t let things pile’s more frustrating that way.
I tweeted the link/giveaway!
I liked the Neat Company on Facebook!
I wish I had an organizing tip to share. I am hopeless when it comes to keeping my office organized – I make the same ‘I will get organized’ resolution every year and when it’s time to get organized for tax season, I promise myself I will get a handle on organizing my ‘stuff’. Enough whining…pick me!
Liked NeatDesk on FB
The best tip I can give is to stay on top of the paperwork and this lovely system would be just the thing to do that. I’m a fan already!
One of my best tips I learned long ago is to not let work/paper pile up, first in first out – deal with it as you get it! I don’t or can’t or won’t always follow this rule but it is the best rule if you can do it!
I just tweeted about your giveway
My favorite home organizing tip is for Cookie cutters. I nabbed the idea from another blog but it works brillantantly. Peg board bought at any local hardware store, and peg board hooks, they can be moved the accomodate different size cutter and added to in a snap. I love it!
Home office organization tip: I use one of those cute wire picture holders that I got at a discount store hung next to my desk to hold all my receipts and bit and bobs of paper.
Of course if I win the NeatDesk High Speed Scanner, I can use it for photos instead!! Thanks for the contest!
Tweet, tweet!!/windyphillips/status/141532424344567808
Fan of The Neat Company on Facebook (user windy.phillips). Thanks again for the great contest. I would love to get rid of all my paper!
To help keep organized, I use containers/etc with labels. It helps me keep track of where everything is! 🙂
I tweeted about the giveaway! 😀
Organization?! Oh if I only had the time, but this would be awesome for our small business.
Organization tip: Deal with it as you get it. No procrastination…either file it away for record keeping, put it in a file folder to follow up on or shred it.
I have no tips, my house is a mess
I am an organzational nightmare. Hence the need for such a cool product…but one bit of advice is throw away junk mail immediately. Don’t let it pile up and clutter every available space in your office or on your desk. Toss it or shred it as it comes in the door.
I also became a fan of the neat co. on facebook!
I have a Home Staging and ReDesign business. I keep a spreadsheet of each job with the costs of items I have loaned out, used on the job, or items I’ve sold. I’m not always good about keeping receipts together until they’re entered into a spreadsheet. This would simplify the process!
Oh I remember the days when my office used to be organized and my receipts entered and thrown away. Now they just sit and pile up and overwhelm me! I don’t really have any good tips but this product is amazing and would make our lives so much more organized and less stressful! Thanks for sharing the product.
Best tip is to sort your mail as soon as you get it.
Do it now! has become my philosophy. Pick it up. Put it away. Do it right away. 🙂
I really don’t have any good home organization tips. I keep all my reciepts in an accordion folder separated into 12 months and I just try to pay bill the day or day after they come in, so I don’t have to store the unpaid ones anywhere. I would love a better system for organizing things because cluttered piles of paper are my biggest pet peave!
I liked The Neat Company on Facebook!
stay organized by having a paper shredder close by so paper, etc. don’t pile up and clutter workspace
I Tweeted the following: ” Want the gift of organization this holiday? Enter the NeatDesk #Giveaway (ARV $499) from @NeatCompany & @DineandDish ”
I liked The Neat Company on Facebook
One of my best organizational tips (although it’s somewhat common sense), is to sort mail immediately once it comes in. Make an action stack, file stack, and shred stack then place the stacks in the appropriate location (i.e. filing cabinet, on counter for action, or in shredder for shred).
We have expandable file envelopes and they are organized in terms of bills paid, bills unpaid, etc.
I once had a bathroom that didn’t have any storage or even a medicine cabinet in it! I bought a spice rack from The Container Store, hung it on the wall, and organized all my hair pins, Q-tips, cotton balls, ponytail holders, etc. in the bottles. It was great, and because it was from TCS, it had labels so I could label each bottle. Later on, when I moved, I repurposed it into a real spice rack.
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I’m a fan on FB.
I tweeted the contest info! My best tip is to throw away junk mail as soon as it comes in the door – it helps to cut down on clutter.
My organizing tip would be to empty your coupons, receipts (to scan 0r file) every day so that they are not cluttering your purse. Keep coupons in a file in the car.
Put manila folders into each hanging file in the file cabinet – so much easier to pull out a folder and look through than to try to dig out receipts or statements one at a time!
Best Tip: If you haven’t used it in a year, THROW IT AWAY! This has kept my life chaos-free (mostly) for 25 years!
I liked the neat company on facebook.
Just Tweeted: Want the gift of organization this holiday? Enter the NeatDesk #Giveaway (ARV $499) from @NeatCompany & @DineandDish
my best tip….at least for myself is to file papers right away – or else!
i would tweet if i tweeted
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My best home / office organization tip is to get clean up and organize a bit at a time instead of waiting for things piling up mountain high. I spend 10-15 mins to tidy up each room/area in the house every day and that doesn’t seem like a lot of time spent but enough to keep things tidy.
amy [at] utry [dot] it
Tweeted about this giveaway and here’s the link:!/uTry_it/status/141743116007899136
amy [at] utry [dot] it
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amy [dt] utry [dot] it
I have never been a truly organized person. At Christmas time, keeping receipts is a little crazy! My best meathod is to keep an envelope in my purse/wallet to keep all receipts for returns or exchanges. For recipes on blogs, I have a binder with those plastic sleeves and it does ok, but I still have to put them in. Anyway, what an awesome product! Crossing my fingers.
I liked The Neat Company on Facebook
i just tweeted!!
now a fan of NeatDesk on Facebook as well
I’m the worst organizer, guess that’s why I was so eager to enter this giveaway! Currently, I have tons of file folders and I hoard all of my receipts.
My best tip? Purge documents on a regular basis especially files that flow in often. Create and invest in a system that you really so you’ll be encouraged and excited to use it.
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I wish I had a home office, but because I don’t, I have to go through the mail, kids papers and magazines quite often! If there is something I like in a magazine, I rip out the one page and put it into a binder – usually recipes.
I am NOT good at organizer, so I NEED this lol! I have a binder for my recipes and food blog stuff, and a binder/box for all of my bills which is dated by month, and I have a “important papers” filing box for all medical, health, personal papers etc. Besides that, I’m hopeless 🙂
I don’t have any good tips, that’s why I need this. Currently all of my receipts are in a bag in my pantry waiting for the organization fairy to pay me a visit, lol.
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The best thing I could think of is to throw away things that you really don’t need! I’m very bad at this, I’m one of those people that keep everything forever. Like since second grade.
I have an accordion file folder labeled inside all the pouches i. e. expenses, taxes etc. that means all the categories I need later on for the tax declaration, but it is still not a perfect system.
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My best tip is to throw things away BEFORE they become clutter! And to do a purge every few weeks.
Organize everything immediately instead of keeping it in a pile. The longer you wait, the bigger the pile gets, the more intimidating it is to dive in to!
My tip is very easy… do it when you get home. Keep it easy for yourself, do not build a pile of papers. I really do “like” the Neat Company.
The best tip I have is to keep all of your papers, etc under control each day to where it never gets out of hand!
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I don’t have any cool organizational skills. I need some desperately. Hoping to win this filing system to help me out.
Best tip would be to open the mail as oon as you get it and trash it if it’s non-important and then stack the rest in a neat pile until you have time to sort through it.
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The best tip I could reveal would be to shred, shred, shred unnecessary paperwork as soon as you get it!
I have dreams of being organized! About the only thing that I do is I have most of my bills set up as paperless. I get an email when they are ready so I don’t even have to sort through a lot of mail. I pay most of them online and get a confirmation # that I save in a spreadsheet file with all my other spending information. I keep track of all my spending all year long. (Helps me see where I spend WAY too much money too.) I also don’t carry a purse so I don’t have a check register to keep up either. I have an app on my iPhone that I enter the info into as I use my card. I try to stay as paperless as possible. (If only there was a way that I could get rid of the junk mail from even coming that would be even better!)
I tweeted “Want the gift of organization this holiday? Enter the NeatDesk #Giveaway (ARV $499) from @NeatCompany & @DineandDish“
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I remember when I first saw the NeatDesk Scanner. I thought…. who would want that. The unorganized part of me said that doesn’t seem like that would get much use. A couple weeks later I remember seeing it again and it all clicking in my mind. Starting with, I could scan recipes! That entire huge box full of sheets of recipes! I could scan receipts! I could scan everything. I immediately envisioned myself scanning practically the entire house.
I’m all about filing. I have files for EVERYTHING. And the great thing about this is they all get tucked away nicely into a drawer!
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You would cry if you saw my desk right now. 🙁 I need this… I am out of helpful tips! I keep all of my receipts in a large Ziplock baggie!
Liked on FB and I soooo want one of these!
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My best organization tip is to get rid of everything you don’t use! Donate what you don’t need to someone who does need it! If you don’t use it, you won’t miss it!
My best organization tip is to have all of your everyday tools in one place (like scissors, scotch tape, a calculator, pens and pencils etc.) Mine are on my desk in a divided basket (normally used for picnic silverware). Easy to grab and always in the right place!
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Oh my gosh, if I dont win I need to buy this!
My best organization tip is to organize as you go, don’t wait for it to all pile up…I need to take my advice!
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My best home office organizational tip is to file all paperwork and receipts in the proper spot as soon as possible. I am an accountant and it is disappointing when you need receipts from clients and they can’t find them in all of their paperwork.
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Files! My home office isn’t organized like my actual office but my secret at work in my filing folders. I have a folder for everything and its labeled and dated. They might not be in alphabetical order in my desk but they are in a folder and labeled which makes them easier to find than just loose papers. 🙂
My best tip is to consider your desk a “hot spot” and never, ever, EVER let yourself lay one piece of paper on it. As long as I keep it clear, I immediately file things. As soon as a stack starts building, I’ve lost the game!
I love labeling and using containers for each item
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My best home organization tip is scan everything and get rid of paper!
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I now like the NEAT COMPANY on FaceBook!!! I also checked out their webstie, AWESOME products. I have a huge drawer full of receipts, this would help organize all my receipts. Thank You for the OPPORTUNITY!!
That just might be the coolest thing ever!!
My best tip is to try to leave the desk clean each night.
I tweeted the aforementioned text
I keep my receipts in envelopes now, one for Walmart, Safeway, etc., but I would love to be able to scan them and then search by date or product.
My best Office Organization tip is that I have a three slot magnetic file holder that I keep attached to my fridge. The front slot is my Inbox so as mail comes in it has a place to go IMMEDIATELY. The next slot is the Action section, one day each week I go through the Inbox and weed through things, whatever I need to follow up on goes in that slot and I mark it down on my to do list. Lastly, whatever needs to just be put away I place in the To File slot. At the end of each month I sort through this.
So far this is the best way I’ve found to get paperwork from the mailbox/purse/briefcase in the house and dealt with properly. Its my most favorite system in my home 🙂
OH MY GOSH I had no idea this was even out there. WOOW thank you so much for keeping us organized! I keep my receipts in a 3 ring binder… it takes hours to organize and file… This would be incredible. Thank you!
Hmm. Keep your papers in one area and file them at the end of the day.
This looks like an amazing little piece of equipment. I would love to be able to use this daily. For me, I keep all receipts in a binder,separated by month. So obviously this would help me so much!
When in doubt, throw it away.
Best tip I have it to take care of things right away and not let them stack up! nlevdan3 at yahoo dot com
Oh man! You should see my recipe…room. It’s out of control. I need an intervention. I put different color stickers on my recipes… Each one symbolizes something I may want to find easily. I use blue for freezable, yellow for make-ahead, stuff like that.
I like The Neat Conpany on FB! Thanks for the chance.
since I pay my bills online, after the daily mail has been reviewed, I add the amount to a list of bills to be paid and file the bill right away. that means I only have one piece of paper sitting out!/cmouse01/status/143483149110886400
I try to do my bills online and go through my mail daily or it piles up!
I tweeted this giveaway – @tssk10
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I tweeted about the giveaway. Thanks!
Best tip? Hmm…maybe going paperless with almost everything? I receive maybe two bills each year that the company’s have yet to setup for auto pay. That’s is so helpful, not having tons of paperwork and bill paying to deal with.
I became a fan of the Neat Company on Facebook. Thanks!
I tweeted this too; not often am I licking my lips at a gadget but I’m so far behind right now; scanning receipts would be like having an assistant!
I can’t even believe how much I need this!
Tweeted too!
Woah. The only way to make this product any better is to have it come with a person to put the receipts in the slot.
so tweeted this…
I need this because I have receipts spilling over my office and out of my file folders 🙂
And I’m a big fan on Facebook now too 😉
What a cool lttle gadget, I want one! Expensive but worth it, i might have to speak to Santa.
I would like to be entered to win this item. Thank you!
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Just became a fan of The Neat Company on Facebook for an additional entry. Thank you!
I am curious to find out what blog systemm you’re working
with? I’m having some small security problems with my
latest blog and I would like to find something more safeguarded.
Do youu have any recommendations?