8 years ago we brought a tiny little twig of a lilac bush home from my husbands grandmas house. As soon as the Iowa snow would melt away, Grandma Doyle’s lilac bush would flourish in the most stunning way, bidding goodbye to the harsh winter. Beautiful, fragrant blossoms gave everyone hope that warmth and new beginnings were possible.
Since Nick and I were two people without any kind of green thumb whatsoever, we planted our tiny twig and hoped that someday it would blossom into a beautiful lilac bush.
8 years later, we have been enjoying our own blooms off our now flourishing lilac bush. For the past several years it’s continued to grow and has produced the most beautiful blossoms. Each early spring, I love to just sit by the lilac bush in our yard and appreciate its scent and beauty. I also think about Nick’s grandma and how thankful I am that she shared a bit of her beauty with us.
Recently, for the first time, I cut some sprigs off the lilac bush and brought them inside to enjoy. The gorgeous blossoms have brought me such joy. I don’t know why I’ve waited so long to cut these fresh flowers off the bush and bring them in. I guess I thought maybe it would diminish the beauty of the outdoor plant, but in reality, it’s made me appreciate it even more.
I also offered up our lilac bush to others…hoping to spread the legacy of the bush around some, just like Nick’s Grandma did for us. I’ve had friends come grab blossoms for their own tables at home, as well as starters to hopefully plant flourishing lilac bushes in their own yards. It makes me happy to think that if their lilac bushes are successful, some of Nick’s grandma’s beauty will be spread around, way down here in Kansas.
This got me thinking about people and the beauty we have to share. All too often we’re afraid that if we share something, it may give someone a “one up” on us, or take away from our own beauty…that it may diminish our own beauty somehow. The opposite is true. When we share and give to others, we both grow equally. Hoarding information, gifts, talents, beauty is not why we are here on this earth. We are here to share our beauty and by sharing, help others flourish.
As you go through your days, consider how your beauty can be shared with others. One simple act of beauty can spread like wildfire.
How will you help others flourish today?
What a beautiful post and a gorgeous bunch of lilacs!
Thanks so much, friend! I think our lilac bush was the prettiest it has ever been this year!
I love this post Kristen. Beauty begets beauty. If we give away the beautiful parts of ourselves: our smiles, our happy words, our good deeds, then we do not diminish ourselves, but rather build others up. We spread the spark. We start the fire. We are the change. What a beautiful post and sentiment to ruminate on for the rest of the day, thank you.
You have such a great way with words, Amy. Thank you for expressing what I was trying to say so eloquently!
Love this Kristen. What a great story and beautiful lilacs. It reminds me to cut some spring roses and bring them in. Today I will share my smile and patience as I help some kindergarteners at our school book fair.
I hope you survived with a smile on your face 🙂
I love lilacs as well and my lilac bush has only started blooming in the last two years.
I think the pictures in your post are of hyacinths, aren’t they?
They are actually lilacs – but the way they are displayed in the jar does make them look like hyacinths a bit! Here’s a better picture https://instagram.com/p/1ifBLoojbs/?taken-by=dineanddish
Ours took awhile to start blooming but it has really taken off recently!
What a great story!! I love the imagery of “spreading the legacy” of your grandmother’s bush with others. It’s the simple things that seem to preserve the memories of loved ones! Thanks for the reminder to spread the beauty!
I have a really neat story about my Grandpa, who was an amazing gardener, and some lilly’s. My mom had transplanted some lilly’s at our house and always loved them so much. When my grandpa died, those flowers always really reminded her of him. One day she was in our little town (which was about an hour away from where my grandpa had lived) and she was walking past a house of someone she was acquainted with. She noticed a gorgeous flower bed full of lilly’s and commented to the owner of the house on how beautiful they were. The owner then replied that she received them from a friend in Independence, KS… they just so happened to be lilly’s from my grandpa! Isn’t that cool?
What a lovely post and wonderful story!
Thanks so much, Kari!
your site is beautiful! i love this beautiful story.
xo welltraveledwife.com
Thank you so much, Emi! So kind of you!
PS your blog is so beautiful too! Love it!
I love this so much!! I wish we could get a bush from you to replant!
We planted a seedling 5 years ago and I can’t believe how much its grown.
You share so much of yourself…I’m so thankful you’re a friend. I hope we can catch up on the phone soon! Miss you!
You are so right. One never loses anything by sharing. A candle never loses any of its own light when it lights another candle.
Love this! Beautiful post and beautiful photos. Lilacs are such a fond memory of my grandmother as well. You definitely have me craving the amazing scent.
This is such a wonderful post, Kristen. It makes me happy. Thank you for sharing your words. And your lovely lilacs. They are my favorite flower. We had a big tree in our yard growing up and I would always pick a few in the morning and bring them to school for my teachers!
Beautiful post, beautiful photos! Sharing your beauty is a conscious act of love.