I have been sitting here, with my computer on my lap, for the past two hours trying to think of what to write about. For two hours, I have been sitting here and nothing even remotely related to food has crossed my mind. Instead my mind has been wandering to far off places, thinking of things that really aren’t helpful at all when trying to write a post for a food blog.
- Random Non-Food Related Thought #1 – I’ve been contemplating buying a Dyson vacuum but am hesitant to plunk down that much change for a vacuum cleaner. According to my contacts over at Twitter, a Dyson is well worth the investment. What do you think? Experiences?
- Random Non-Food Related Thought #2 – I turn 35 in less than 2 weeks. Why is it that as a teenager I had perfect skin, but now that I am in my mid-30’s I am having massive breakouts? Bring on the .
- Random Non-Food Related Thought #3 – I wonder if people who are auditioning for American Idol play the American Idol Wii game. I’ve actually won the game and have become the next American Wii Idol… thinking it may give those people considering auditioning a little more confidence than they should have to audition.
- Random Non-Food Related Thought #4 – I really need to find a good blog designer for another blog I’m working on. If Jules with Everyday Design is not available, I need to get someone else in place pronto! Do you know of anyone you can refer?
- Random Non-Food Related Thought #5 – My husband doesn’t read this blog or our family blog, and I think that is starting to irk me a bit. Seriously… if he wrote a blog (which will never happen) but still…if he wrote a blog I would hang on every word and would love to have that glimpse into his life. Do your loved ones read your blog?
My thoughts are now getting a bit too random to even continue. I do have to share this recipe with you that I tried out last week. You may have remembered seeing it on our menu. I followed the recipe exactly, but added some chicken breast pieces sauteed in rosemary and garlic. Delicious!
Penne with Pumpkin Cream Sauce from Everyday with Rachael Ray Magazine
1 pound penne pasta
2T butter
1 onion, chopped
salt & pepper
1 15-oz. can pure pumpkin puree
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese plus more for topping
1/4 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
Cook pasta until al dente. Drain, reserving 1 cup pasta cooking water.
In the same pot, melt the butter over medium-low heat. Add the onion and season with salt and pepper; cook, stirring until softened, about 6 minutes. Stir in the pumpkin and heavy cream and bring to a boil. Return the pasta to the pot, along with the reserved pasta water, and toss. Stir in the parmesan; season with salt & pepper.
Top pasta with parsley and more parmesan to serve.
I know that so many people have such a love/hate relationship with Rachael Ray. I admit, I don’t watch her shows, but I do like a lot of her recipes. Other food bloggers do too! Check out some of these food blog tried and true Rachael Ray recipes:
- Gigi’s Apple Cake from Culinarily Obsessed
- Garlicky Bean and Chicken Enchiladas from Taste and Tell
- Spanish Shrimp and Chorizo Skewers from I’m Running to Eat
- Cheddar Cheese and Macaroni from Family, Friends and Food
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Pumpkin is showing up everywhere now…and this looks wonderful!
My hubby rarely reads my blog, but he tells everyone he meets to read it…guess thats a compliment! Congrats early on your birthday. I’m decades ahead of you and finding out about age spots 🙂 In reality, age doesn’t mean much…its just a number. Hope you lick your writers block, but your musings are fun, too.
Elles last blog post..Spicy Pumpkin Muffins for Fall
The Dyson…buy it! If you have a Bed, Bath and Beyond near you sign up for their emails and use a 20% off coupon that you’ll eventually get in the mail. Or email me and I’d gladly mail you one (if you’re comfortable with that, of course) since I have about 10 of them right now! We bought ours about 6 years ago and I absolutely love my vacuum.
The pasta looks so tasty!
Get a Dyson! Get it! Get it! I got mine about a month ago, after lost of hemming & hawing & researching….I love it! I got the DC17, the one that’s certified by the Allergy & Asthma Foundation (due to allergy & asthma with one of my kids). I had an Oreck before and now I don’t know how I lived without a Dyson! Not sure which Dyson you’re looking at but I saw the Animal at Costco today. Let us know what you decide!
1. I really like my Dyson, but it is a little hard to maneuver.
2. Can’t help you there. I’ve always been pretty lucky with my skin.
3. Lol! I need a Wii.
4. If you find someone, let me know. I desperately need a redesign!
5. No one in my family reads my blog, unless I force them. That really irks me! They all expect to share the goodies, but they can’t be bothered to read how they came to be. Now,I have a rule. If you don’t read the blog, you don’t get the food. My fridge is getting pretty full.
Susan at Sticky,Gooey,Creamy,Chewys last blog post..Autumn Falls In: Bacon-Pecan Brussels Sprouts Saute
Well, obviously Giz reads the food blog. R reads both the food blog and my personal blog. He thinks we’re crazy, but still reads.
I like the sounds of pumpkin penne.
Psychgrads last blog post..Wild Rice Stuffed Peppers for World Food Day
Nobody in my family reads my blog, even though they all know it exists. My mom doesn’t bookmark links and she doesn’t have a great memory so she’s always forgetting about it. My dad doesn’t really use the computer for personal reasons. And my husband just isn’t interested. I wish he was, but I can’t force him. It kinda makes me sad.
I’ve had a Dyson for about two months now and realise that previously I’d just been pushing dust around. They are a bit expensive, but no more bags! So easy. You won’t regret it.
casalbas last blog post..OreganO
I get writers block all the time! But then I get a burst, write three posts at a time, so it usually evens out. I can’t even get my sister to *look* at my blog. It’s too complicated for her to go to a blog, as she says, since she barely knows how to go to a website. LOL Needless to say, I know where you’re coming from!
Julias last blog post..End of Summer Round-Up, Part 1
My husband does not read anything I write either, unless I email him the link and tell him to READ it.
You can do what I am doing about the Dyson, asking for it for Christmas (my in-laws get a discount on the military base so they are getting me one. Yes I already know my Christmas present).
Web Designer…Lauren does a great job.
The recipes looks yummy!
Laurels last blog post..Five Things to Teach Your Kids
Well I just turned 40 and my eye sight is not fairing so well. Me thinks I need reading glasses. Poo! You know if my skin is going to act like a teenager then by golly I want these “fine lines” outta here!
My husband reads my blog and I feel invaded. LOL It’s public domain so I have to let it go.
Where can I go to gripe now? NOT that I gripe a lot but come on! LOL
I’ve seen that recipe for the pasta with pumpkin a few times, but haven’t tried it yet. Not sure the family will go for it, but it sounds sooooo interesting I may try to get it past them and see what happens!
Thanks for linking to my attempt at Mac & Cheese!
patsyks last blog post..Mexican Chicken Soft Tacos
Ok..your non food thoughts are great!
Both my sister and I HATE our Dysons!
Mine has broke 2 times. not to mention that you are supposed to get it servied every year at $168 a pop! OUCH..Its way to clunky and doesnt fit under my cabinets! Other people LOVE theirs,,but I guess my sister and I are the only people who cant stand theirs!!!
Acne….um yeah..me too. I am 32 and I went to the dermatologist because my face was out of control…you know what she suggested?????? PERI-MENOPAUSE!!!! WHAT??
ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? I just about slapped her! 32 and Peri menopause??? OHHHH HHHHHEEEELLLLLLL NOOOOOOOO! LOL
#5 … Yep … exactly what you said. The rest of my family (and his) reads religiously, but not him. Kind of an irk here too!
Naomi in Ohios last blog post..Home … is where ….
It flat out hurts my feelings that my family doesn’t read my blog. I’ve mentioned it in a subtle way before and got no response. Recently I’ve been more blatant and e-mailed the link out asking my boyfriend to read my blog. Nothing. I share in his hobbies – I watch football with him because (for some reason) it is important to him. Why can’t he simply participate (in a very small way) in my hobby? I’ve come to simple write the blog for me – not for anyone else. (But a piece of me is still irked)
Mandys last blog post..Morton’s Steak Bible: Chicken Christopher
I was so excited. Kelly H. showed me how to use Google Reader. So, I set up all my favorite blogs in Google Reader yesterday and was already to blog this morning. Well, either you can’t comment, or I’m too dumb to figure it out. So, here I am.
Yeah, the acne pretty much sucks. I thought I was the only one. All though I had it as a teenager too.
Sorry, I don’t do AI.
Check out the vacuums on Amazon and see what everyone else is saying first.
I need a Twitter 411.
Any luck on the Blog Designer???
No one reads my blog.
Okay, signing off now. Hope you’re hanging in there.
Love the Dyson!!!
I recently had one of the plastic tabs that hold the hepa filter in place break, but Dyson sent me a new one for $1.99 and she’s running as good as new.
Someone commented that the Dyson is hard to maneuver … but the new Dyson Ball should take care of that.
Debbies last blog post..True Confessions
ooh that pumpkin pasta looks great…I wonder if there’s a way to lighten it up…maybe substitute Fage nonfat yogurt for some of the cream?
maggies last blog post..The big reveal: Porkstravaganza!
I saw this recipe in her magazine, and it reminds me a lot of a very similar recipe she had in her magazine last year that I made and loved. I love your addition of chicken.
And I would LOVE a Dyson. I have vacuum envy. And I don’t think I could pay my husband to sit at a computer and read my blogs. He’s not a computer guy, so maybe that has something to do with it. But my sisters do read!
Deborahs last blog post..Pumpkin Cheesecake with Caramel Sauce
Yum, this recipe sounds tasty! I love all things pumpkin, but my husband doesn’t. My husband reads my blog .. he even checks back to read comments that others have made. But I’ve only been blogging for a few months, so we’ll see how long he stays interested. 🙂 I don’t mind Rachel Ray at all.
Carmens last blog post..Tuesdays with Dorie – Dimply Plum Cake
this recipe looks awesome, but i’m just not a fan of pumpkin. i might have to substitute with butternut squash.
anyway, my phamily and boyfriend does read my blogs, altho admittedly, they tend to look at the pictures more. so i try to keep my words few and my pix as pretty as possible. it is exasperating when they try out a recipe and rather than reading what i wrote, they’ll call me or IM me for instructions…
and i heart racheal ray altho i haven’t really made any of her dishes. i’m slightly partial to giada.
Lans last blog post..homemade granola bars
pumpkin, pumpkin everywhere! looks great. 🙂
meanwhile, my brothers check my blog occasionally, but they don’t really care. my mom is a big fan though. 🙂
I have a Dyson, which I’m very fond of, have had it for 2 years and so far no problems…
My Mum isn’t very good with computers but I showed her when I first started my blog and she regularly takes an interest. My Dad has only just looked at it, my brother hasn’t and my boyfriend peeks on it every now again to see if I’ve been ‘bitching’ about him!
This recipe looks gorgeous, I watch Rachael Ray all the time but never get round to cooking anything from at is I favourite all the recipes I like and they’re all stuck on my computer! I might have to try this one though as I want to get my boyfriend into pumpkin, he’s sooo picky! We don’t have canned pumpkin over here, I need someone to export it to me, so unfair : (
I HATE my Dyson. Seriously I know a lot of people like them but I hate that thing. And it kills me because I saved up forever for it. It does not go over any kind of little bump in the floor (such as a threshold or onto a rug), it is a pain to move around (half the time I give up and literally pick it up – good thing I’m tall!), and the attachments are a huge hassle. I really don’t like anything about it and it doesn’t work any better than my old one did that cost about half the price. I really wish I could trade this thing for a different brand. I really hate it!!! (Can you tell how strongly I feel about this? I vacuumed yesterday and I’m still irritated today!)
Danas last blog post..Bean, Corn, and Potato Flautas
If you still need a blog designer you could always get in touch with my guy. His name is Tom and you can find him at http://www.citrinedesign.net/
If you find a cure for that writer’s block please let me in on the secret! 🙂 It’s been a rough week in the creativity department for me.
My boyfriend used to check my old blog several times a day. I bet I’d be lucky if he has been on Life, Lightly Salted five times. It’s very aggravating. Don’t they understand how important it is for us to get their feedback?
Micheles last blog post..Soul Warming Food
My husband doesn’t read my blog, but tells everyone about it – all his female coworkers read it, and his male coworkers’ wives. People come to him and make comments about the food, it’s kind of funny.
Patricia Scarpins last blog post..Acho que é obsessão: Barrinhas duplas de limão siciliano
1. Have not read enough glowing reviews to get a Dyson. My mom bought a Miele (sp?) and the guy at the vacuum store told her Dysons are not worth the investment.
2. Breakouts? I’m there with you. I use Pro Active once a day (too drying for twice daily).
3. Love our Wii but don’t have Idol or Guitar Hero.
4. My designer was Ruby and Roja. Their prices are reasonable.
5. Hubby reads occasionally but none of my other family members have the address.
Melanie @ Mel, A Dramatic Mommys last blog post..Updated Reading List
You had me at pasta.
You had me again at pumpkin cream sauce (that sounds sooo good).
Turning 35 (for me) was worse than turning 40. At 35 you get breakouts. At 40, you get age spots, which unlike breakouts, do NOT go away.
My husband doesn’t usually read my blog either (although he has been known to comment from time to time). I take an interest in his work…shouldn’t he take an interest in mine (or at least in my personal projects)?
Actually, when I think about this, the answer is, “Not really.” I like having the space to do my food thing without him looking over my shoulder. After all, we share a life, do we really need to share my food blog as well? 😉
So, what would you like for your birthday? I smell a girls’ night out!
P.S. When we moved here, I purchased one of those blue, Bissell Healthy Home vacuums, and we love it. I don’t know if the reviews on it have been good, but it’s been good to us and it sucks up dust, lint, fuzz, and hair like nobody’s business!
we sat down a while back and just brainstormed about what things we would like to cook. If we did all of those, we’d be set for the next year!
Of course, you could always just riff off of another blogger’s post, or even off an interesting comment on your blog.
Not sure if the Dyson is worth the money.
I think the person that did SteamyKitchen’s design did a good job.
Nates last blog post..Heirloom Tomato Tasting at the House of Annie
Hi! I’m generally more of a lurker than a commenter, but your random thoughts made me want to reply today.
-I have 2 dogs and was debating the dyson, but decided instead to get the Bissell Pet Hair Eraser from Linens and Things for a fraction of the price. Love it, and it’s a world of difference than a typical vaccuum.
-My husband doesn’t read my blog either! He says “I live the blog,” and won’t look at it unless I force him.
I’ve been wanting to try that recipe for a while now, but I’m not sure if I like savory pumpkin dishes. Is it a good one to try out then? Test the waters, so to speak?
My husband doesn’t read my blog and it actually REALLY irks me. I feel like, “I get all of these people telling me how wonderful my writing is (except today… I am suffering the writer’s block curse as well… write, delete, write… delete… write…….. ugh!) and he doesn’t take the five minutes to read it.” It really does bother me. I’m like you, I’d be hanging on every word.
Ah, well. It’s like I said, Men just don’t get it sometimes.
The Cat’s Pajamass last blog post..Sick of it.
We just bought they Dyson this past weekend (the animal one I think). My husband wasn’t sure about it when he used it…we figure we’ll give it a week or two before we make judgement.
My husband does read my blog (though not daily) and will comment every now and then. My mother reads every day and I print out the blog posts weekly to send to my Grandmother (who doesn’t have a computer). My Dad and Aunt read what I send my Grandma (even though they have computers) and I have a cousin who reads my blog and posts so I think I’m luckier than most.
Mrs. Ls last blog post..Heirloom Tomato Napoleon with Parmesan Crisps
My skin is terrible now that I am older too. Older than you you Spring Chicken! I use Mychelle from Whole Foods that has worked wonders! My family does read my blog, I think it is the one thing I do that my husband is proud of and tells everybody about it. That shocked me! Ooh a blog designer now that would be a nice gift! Still doing my own until I can find and PAY a pro. Some day! I love the pumpkin recipe. Will have to try. Thanks!
robinsues last blog post..2 Cheap Chicks & $20: Operation Trader Joe’s
1. I do not have a Dyson and am happy! maybe because I have wooden floors lol!
2. I hear you on that. I do get a few breakouts (once a month) and really do not remember having the problem as a teenager. life can be so unfair!!
2. Need to get my hands on a Wi – I’d be cooking and doing yoga with it all the time LOL!
3. I have thought about this one often, but have not looked into it closer. if you can recommend someone let me know!
4. My husband does not read my blog too often either. It irks me too – but hey on the other hand we all need our private island to vent, relax, etc. So I take my blog as my little space, private island where I have fun with my blog friends. Kristen we read your blog and we love you for what you do …. like this pasta! YUM!
Let’s see… random response #1: my sibs own Dysons, I do not, I have the Eureka Boss and a German Shepherd and as far as I can tell it does the job just fine. But they swear by theirs. Random response #2: I turn 35 tomorrow and all I can think is that I will be half of 70 (??!?). 3 & 4–I got nothing. Random response #5: I go back and forth about whether I want my family to read. Some days I am irked when/if they don’t and some days I think it is a good thing. My husband does not either, nor does my dad or baby brother. My mom and sister do somewhat regularly and my other brother reads it absolutely faithfully (despite being the one to tease me the most about it). My in laws do not at all. My husband’s dept’s secretary subscribes–and that kind of freaks me out. 🙂
I love pumpkin this time of year. In almost anything.
Lauras last blog post..A Shockingly Successful Lemon Garbanzo Salad With Feta Cheese
I love, love, love this post! I can so relate to the feeling of sitting down in front of the computer and wondering, “What am I going to write about this recipe?” Sometimes it flows and sometimes it just doesn’t. I wish I had experience to share on the Dyson. I want one so badly! I am lucky that my boyfriend does read Apples and Butter. I think it’s mainly because he’s mentioned quite often, but I’ll take it. Any reason is good enough for me!
Jessicas last blog post..Apple Tarte Tatin
I am suffering from writers block at this very moment so I hear you on this. I love your random thoughts. I think you’re right about RR. If her show comes on, I always turn down the volume, but I have made several of her recipes in the past.
Esis last blog post..Pasta with Yellow Tomato Sauce
your husband really doesn’t read your blog???? not that it is his wife’s blog, it is a really GREAT blog in general… he should start. i make my bf read every one of my posts LOL
Danis last blog post..#14) Birthday Brownies
My skin has been horrible since I was around 23 or so. PCOS does not help either! All of these hormonal problems, not fun! I cannot find a good face wash that will help combat the oil and the eruptions (gross, huh?).
My husband doesn’t read my blog either, but my mom and sister do, only thing is, as you probably know I haven’t been able to keep up with it since I have been so busy! I can understand your frustration though!
Jens last blog post..High Fructose Corn Syrup ad controversy
I’ve made this recipe and loved it…she had a similar one last year too…very yummy!
I had the same story with the clear skin in high school, then zits attacking in adulthood, although I’m only 26! I’m not full-on pizza-faced or anything, but I definitely get more pimples nowadays than I used to. So if I’m going to start getting massive breakouts in 10 years, fantastic. There’s something to look forward to.
And my husband reads my normal blog but I’m pretty sure he looked at the food one once and hasn’t been back. He doesn’t really care that I cook things every once in a while. I think it kind of gets on his nerves.
camilles last blog post..Pumpkin-Almond Muffins
I too get the yips in the kitchen(golf term) That too shall pass.
1. 2 black cats + white carpet = Dyson.
Love it. Enough said.
2. Had enough acne in teenage years that no more was left in my 30’s.
3. I’m thinking Mr. Wii may like the sound of Americon Idol for Wii. 😉
4. JCCC may have someone that could help.
5. My entire family reads my blog. If they don’t I will give them a surprise pop quiz. Threats also work. I am not a proud woman.
Thanks for the great site! Hang in there.
LOVE my Dysons–we just bought our second after having one for 5+ years. DH broke the plastic extension hose. User error. ;o) Anyway, Bed Bath & Beyond will give you 20% off with one of their coupons, and if you have a Discover card with any cash back built up, you can order BB&B gift cards and get more than your cashback. We saved a bundle on our new vacuum this way.
I’m thinking about a Dyson too.. let me know if you get one.
And Jim didn’t used to read my blog… but I nagged him a lot and now he does. Hehe. My family only reads it occasionally, but when they do they usually skim through all the recent posts. I think I nagged them into that to. Try just asking nonchalantly (all the time) if they thought that thing that you said on that post was funny (or smart or creative, etc.) Never tell them what “that thing” is and maybe he’ll be interested enough to log on.
Or sometimes I would tell Jim that a cool internet guy with a hot bod was commenting. He always read the posts then.
robin @ caviar and codfishs last blog post..Grape pie.
mmm! i love savory pumpkin ideas! thank you for this one.
rebeccas last blog post..mcgriddle – our way
I love my Dyson!
I also started to get breakouts… after babies. Proactiv really is amazing. I stopped using it to try cheaper alternatives and I began to break out again.
Trishas last blog post..little gym
I love my Dyson!
I also had skin problems… after babies. Proactiv really is amazing. I have tried alternatives but I always end up breaking out again. It’s annoying to me that you can’t buy Proactiv at the store but I put up with their mailing system since it works so well.
Trishas last blog post..little gym
That pasta looks yummy. My husband doesn’t read my blogs (or newsletter) either, but will always mention them. I had some pretty crappy skin as a teen, though nothing crazy – yet as an adult I seem to have adult, cystic acne. It sucks.
I can totally relate to bloggers block. I can easily babble on and on about my own trivial things, but when I really need to focus, I get into trouble.
Kats last blog post..Is Anyone Else Overwhelmed by Passwords & Secret Questions?
I can’t stop laughing. You are truly having a random day! : )
1. Everyone I know loves their Dyson. Plus, it is built to last. You will have it for many years. The investment will pay off.
2. I feel your pain. I was having this conversation with my mirror the other day. My body is changing with age and it is starting to show. Make it stop!
3. I can’t comment on this one. I do not watch American Idol.
4. Already sent you my recommendations but I know that there are a few people in my Twitter ‘follow’ column that also are designers. You might want to check that out.
5. Damn the family members! I have the same issue but I just ignore it. There are some things that are better kept all to myself. Afterall, we all need space from our family. 🙂
Skip the Dyson- look for a Bissel Healthy Home. Very similar design, but easier to maneuver. I *heart* the Healthy Home Vac.
My DH does read my blogs religiously. But he also works out of town Mon-Fri, so it’s kind of his peek at what our week was like without him.
Thanks for the recipe! That looks perfect and quick for a weeknight dinner.
Erikas last blog post..The Return of Soup of The Week
My DH doesn’t read my blog at all.
Alicias last blog post..A Long Time Coming
Ile de France Cheese, is holding a new contest! The grand prize winner will receive $1000.00 cash; 2nd and 3rd place finishers will each win an Ile de France Cheese basket worth $150.
To participate, simply send us your Ile de France Cheese recipe, pairing pictures, or video with the recipe text itself.
To learn more about the contest, go to iledefrancecheese.com/blog
1. I have wood floors in the majority of the house and a cleaning lady that brings her vacuum for the rooms that have carpet. I do have one of those cordless sweeper vacs, love it!
2. I’ve never had a problem with acne but I will get one, maybe two when it’s nearing THAT time of the month.
3. No Wii in my household but we’re tossing around the idea for one as a “family” Christmas gift. I want that Wii fit, Mama needs to work off those extra pounds!
4. Sorry, can’t help you here.
5. Nobody but my Mom reads my blog and only after I remind her. I need to do like Susan does….”ifa you no reada da blog you no geta da food”!
RR’s recipe sounds good but I think my children would like some protein in it. As for RR I’ve yet to try anything of hers though I do have her first 2 cookbooks. She has some oddball combinations.
you’ve just changed my impression towards RR. I think I’ve already told you I’m not a big fan of RR at all. But the recipes you’ve posted really impressed me.
lululus last blog post..Thai Vermicelli Salad
NOOOO! My husband does not read my blog! He barely looks at the Christmas cards (featuring out children’s adorable mugs) that I design each year! I get compliments from others husbands but not from him.
My mom and sisters don’t read my blog either. I guess my mom has looked at it from time to time.
If you are interested, you can look at the designer who did my stationery page but it may be too expensive for a blog… I don’t know. http://quirky-bird.com/
Nicoles last blog post..Olives in Ojai
my husband doesn’t read my blog either (maybe if I had a family blog it might be different…huh?), as he sees it as my personal “space” and he respect it and stays out of it.
I think RR sets out some good guidlines, this pasta looks truely yummy!
gattinas last blog post..Olive paste chicken rolls with pomegranate dressing
I love your random thoughts- 🙂
DH and I have thought about a Dyson but testdrove one the other day and weren’t that impressed for the money- but people love them so what do we know?
I never had breakouts as a teenager but for the last ten or so years I get them in my temple area all the time- I’m 45 when will it end ;0
You’d think the Wii would be good practise- I can’t sing on auditions- I can sing if I’m in the chorus but my voice goes away when I audition -wierd huh?
I could use a good web designer too – I just use the free WordPress themes but I would like an overhaul- is it pricey?
Dh reads my blog- not everyday but he catches up about once a week. My feelings do get a little hurt that other friends and fam don’t seem to care- but i had my blog for about 8 months when my Mum suddenly got really in to it and was calling me everytday to say she’d cooked something off it – too funny 🙂
Well your pasta looks scrumptious- sorry for such a long comment!
Gabis last blog post..Becky’s Boyfriend’s Mom’s Peach Pie
I so want a Dyson, just because I think it looks so cool! lol! My better half reads my blog, but most the time he just looks to see what pics I posted! 🙂 The pasta looks delicious, by the way.
LyBs last blog post..Tuesdays With Dorie – Dimply Plum Cake
Blogs are about writing what we think and feel. Sure, this one may not be food related, but it does let us know more about you 🙂
I’ve made a very similar sauce to that except mine used cream cheese instead of heavy cream.
I am not married nor taken, so my loved ones would be my parents (and I suppose my brother haha). I haven’t told them about my blog because they are parents and will probably go eek personal info on the internet! My friends know and they visit sometimes.
Carlas last blog post..Tuesdays With Dorie – Dimply Plum Cake
I am SO bad at that American Idol game b/c I don’t know any of the songs!!!
claires last blog post..Three Chips a Charm?
LOL, I love your random thoughts! I don’t call this entertaining post writers block, it’s just genius. Sometimes even foodies need a break from food talk!
And the recipe sounds just delicious!
Hot Garlics last blog post..Weekend Away and a Side Salad
I completely understand what you are going through. I’m a food writer for a Viet Newspaper and sometimes I just sit and stare at the wall for hours (in agony) trying to figure out what to write. That’s why when I’m motivated and full of ideas, I write it all out at that moment, even if I don’t get sleep. Surges of ideas and inspiration don’t happen everyday, so I take full advantage of it when I can. When it’s times like you’re going through, I have something to fall back on.
I agree with you about Rachael Ray too. She might not be the most easy person to watch, but she certainly inspires millions to understand the concept that good food can be achieved at home, simply and deliciously. She might not be liked most foodies (especially the snobby ones), but I know for a fact that she gets millions out there to cook, where they would not otherwise. I have many clients who would normally feed their kids take out, now are cooking home meals for their families because of RR. That’s one step to better food, health and awareness. Not everyone is on the Thomas Keller level of food understanding, it takes time.
Go for the Dyson, I have heard great things!
1, 2, 4. Can’t help in these departments. I had to google Dyson!! *Hang head down with shame* 🙂 It sure looks powerful!
3. I want to get myself Guitar Hero!! Not sure about American Idol, because that automatically means I’ll have to listen to my significant other singing. Love him to death, but he just can’t carry out a single tune.
5. My husband reads my blog. I don’t know how I feel about it though. It’s weird sometimes. He was the one actually pushed me to blog – my first blog when I sat around in hospital for a month, 2 months at home and I was about to lose my mind!! 😀
On the food related note, pumpkin cream sauce on pasta sounds interesting. I have always used pumpkin on sweet dish but have been giving it lots of thoughts of using it on savory and this dish sounds like a good start for me.
Cecils last blog post..Roti Jala & Kari Kambing / Laced Crepe with Goat Curry
I’m going to sneak the pumpkin recipe in as a side dish to try it out, announcing pumpkin for dinner is too high risk, but it looks divine.
Buy a Dyson – be happy!
Gollys last blog post..Pinot Grigio Superiore 2007 Cantina Breganze
I do a lot of freelance design work and, in exchange for a few food-blogging tips, I’d be happy to lend a hand 🙂
I enjoyed reading this post. I laughed when you said that your husband did not read your blog. I think my kids read more that my husband also. Sometimes we are out of words when we write a food blog. I’m with you on this one.
Hélènes last blog post..How to create your own blog and enter Martha’s blog contest
I like the Wii Fit for yoga and running too!
As far as I know, my husband doesn’t read my blog, and that’s just fine with me – he’s supportive about my writing and cooking in other ways. But sometimes I’ll tease him or the kids, “Be careful – I may blog about that,” especially if they’re complaining about something I’ve made for dinner.
My sister reads my blog faithfully, and both she and my husband talk it up, so I’m grateful for their encouragement.
Sandy Ss last blog post..TWD: Creme Brulee
Hi Kristen
I just happened to stumble upon your blog today and you have a lot of nice recipes, I will be visiting your blog more often. I have a question about the Penne with Pumpkin. In your notes you mention you added some chicken to the recipe. How much chicken breasts did you use and how much seasoning did you use on the chicken. Also when you sauteed the chicken how much oil did you use and what kind of oil did use.
Forgive me for being late, my computer has been in repair. However I had perfect skin until about a year ago, and the thing that helped me most was this http://www.walgreens.com/search/search_results.jsp?term=terminator+10
The name is stupid, and I feel silly buying it (I’m 24 so it doesn’t look like it is for my kid) but it worked overnight for me. It does dry my skin if I use too much, but I hope it helps if you haven’t already found something that works for you.